Thursday, June 6, 2024

Blinded by Fear

across the street sits a statue
a woman holding scales
a blindfold hides her eyes
she is the decider of truth/
distorter or no she judges
spinning lies into truth like
weaving a tapestry of life,
she jokes not - she talks not
she is s stone symbol
a metaphor for justice...
even when there is none,
and will be none either now
or in the future...  we have
defecated upon her with a
distortion of the truth...
we have used and abused
her innocence now that she
is decades old and aged more
than the law she represents,
she is old and full of holes
sadden by scars of distrust,
truth that has been slanted
to fit false narratives...
she is no longer honorable,
no longer worthy of trust,
behind the blindfold she
has no eyes and never
intended to see the truth,
only what could be proven
regardless of the methodology.

May31, 2024

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