Saturday, June 1, 2024

Mindless Souls

the world we know is gone

society in which we were
raised has vanished forever,
we are recipients of power
in whose hands creates a 
false sense of control...
a world of division, deceit,
and disinformation, followed
by scores of disillusionments,
praising the bearers of good
news that has divided us into
a world of hate and anger...
a self-serving world that is
famous for having no bounds,
relentless in its pursuits of
unabashed ignorance that is
at the soul of our youth in
which a new rebellion has
been waged - a war of pseudo
intellectual stupidity funded 
by the billionaires who believe
it provides them with relevant
humor to cure their boredom,
a world of average hearts doing
average work for average wages
and compensation when in a vile
reality they are pawns of nothing.

May 25, 2024

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