Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Night Viewing

each day turns from morning to night
each night beckons for the salvation
of the day - the laws of science abide,
mankind makes its mark in the sand
as it falls through the hourglass,
guiltless of any crimes committed,
Science honors history with false
absolutions, expecting indifference
while instead receiving praise...  the
cosmos lies to itself while living in
universal expansion that threatens
no more or less believes otherwise,
gravity hangs around absentmindedly
since it has nowhere else to to at the
moment hoping something will be
attracted to its presence...  flights of
fantasy fly by undetected except for
the angels that ride it wake through
the wormholes of time...  seeing no
end in sight they dissolve into the
past to console those who have not
been so lucky...  galaxies form around
their forfeitures and we realize nothing
nor have a clue looking through our
under-designed futuristic telescopes.

May 28, 2024


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