Friday, September 20, 2024

Our Legacy

moments fall short of our expectations

minutes are left on the doorstep unwrapped

hours remain in bed refusing to awaken

days turn on each other with contempt

weeks wait on the corner for school buses

months continue to be misunderstood

years pass too quickly into decades and

decades measure unfairly lost lives

history is the legacy we leave our children

so, they can spend their time trying to

understand what they are supposed to learn.

September 20, 2024

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Myrtle Beach 2024 Series - Day Three


currents in the water care not
if you are young or old,
knocking down the best of us,
beach keepers, up and down
the sand they walk...
keeping us safe they try,
preventing not our silly
whistles blow
flags out
surf's up
rip tides all around us are,
humbles strong and weak,
blaming only ourselves
for our stupidity...
no longer does the water
reflect the sky as the
day changes mildly...
no longer do we have
the time to die...
not today but maybe
differently each day seen,
of course, moving our
action a little farther south.

September 10, 2024

Myrtle Beach 2024 Series - Day Three



waves crash into the shoreline,
the onslaught is watched,
off in the distance seen,
touches the farthest point out,
jet skiers
race from north to south,
circling and turning when they can,
cargo ship
spends all day traversing one location,
do the landscaped skies with color,
too far away from each other to collide,
pound sand with their feet,
footprints in the wet sand are left,
soon washed away by receding waters,
chairs and umbrellas
remain in place like a chorus line,
waving in the wind to passers by...
coolness in the air,
no longer comforting at sundown,
packing up
its time to leave for dinner.

September 10, 2024

Myrtle Beach 2024 Series - Day Three


Mother Margaret sings her songs
children in her arms close their eyes,
evenings are no longer for beggars
as they were in the old country...
silent children in her arms rest
no wondering or caring
do they now possess...
tears run down Mother Margaret's face
when she thought they were lost,
middle earth sighs its relief
sands along the shoreline lay quiet
as the ocean washes over them...
wizards walked these shores
before Margaret and her children did
evil spells all removed,
dream catchers released,
tender were the thoughts instilled
thousands of years ago...
Mother Margaret sings her songs
praise and thanks to them all,
oceans of the east are saved,
now the travelers all arrive thanking
Mother Margaret and her songs.

September 10, 2024

Myrtle Beach 2024 Series - Day Three


on currents of air
they fly,
white sleekness
diving and soaring,
heads and tails pointed
tucked in feet
wings tilted,
up or down
left or right,
resting in the moment
on the sand or
in the air...
wings of flight
do they take,
gliding on water's edge
surfing its gravity,
so close and lean
true to form,
as ever seen...
motion beauty
by viewers seen,
on the ground sitting,
marveling in the
gull's confidence
and skill, avoiding
hurt as they are
addicted to the thrill.

September 10, 2024

Myrtle Beach 2024 Series - Day Three


on the Atlantic coastline
I sit...
spirits enter me
new and old,
judging me
for my thoughts...
it was an age of
that besieged me...
terminating in the wind
ages of scorn halting
victimizing and berating
they are towards me...
in the distant clouds
I see their
tormented faces,
realizing it is the land,
not me,
they focus on this place
as if it were here
they died...
on these shores,
meaningless lives
were lost,
so long ago...
no forgiveness were
they ever given.

September 10, 2024

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Myrtle Beach 2024 Series - Day Two


north northeast it blows bold
 and hearty - rain with her
brings not much of a surprise,
devils tear the sky apart
with their daily merriment,
apostles at the corner stand
hoping for incantations...
sky birds blown southward
by their gusts - trust is no
longer a secured monument,
through the foaming brine
soldiers march with their 
body boards in tow,
looking for the prefect wave,
it's been a month or two
daylight offers little hope
for the seas residents as
boats sail in and boats sail out
and never are the maidens 
bothered by their presence
or by those who pull the oars,
sandcastles no longer stand
in the wind - children no longer
tumble in the surf - days no
longer bended by time are
welcomed on the almost lifeless
vacant southern sandy shores.

September 9, 2024

Myrtle Beach 2024 Series - Day Two


a cool breeze rolls across
the sandy shoreline,
north to south it moves,
canceling the sun's heat,
hidden by the clouds...
a wooden pier in the
distance seen, standing
firm in the wind...
surfers on their boards sit
hunkering down for the
right one to appear...
bobbing head birds prance as
if this beach belongs to them,
checking out all the gluttons
in chairs who may drop food
when they attempt to stand,
light, olive green waters
fill the space out in front,
white caps spread out after
each wave has passed,
soapy looking water rolls in
towards the chairs - all but
disappearing in the sand.

September 9, 2024

Myrtle Beach 2024 Series - Day Two


waves approach our mound of sand
comfort in chairs, our sandals taken,
walkers smile, shake their heads,
away they go...  never again, 
to be seen today...
marks upon the sand where others trod
before the arrival of the sun's wind,
before our souls rested here on the
vacant piece of land...
shovels dig the sand for muscles
and money most assuredly,
either-or in their minds...
voices silent - ignoring us in our
chairs we sit on our mounds
of now very wet sand.

September 9, 2024

Myrtle Beach 2024 Series - Day Two


oh, how easy it was to

walk upon these shores

a decade ago...

life was so much easier

when I was half of what

I am today...

waves of conscience

flow in and around my

feet when they move

upon the rocky sand,

changed from years past

like I have done now.

September 9, 2024

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Myrtle Beach 2024 Series - Day One



darkness outside my window is

sounds of waves nearby is too,

coolness flows through the open door

too early for fall presumed...

sandy beaches seven floors down

sea oats and beach grass flourish

under the feet of tourist's path,

piano sounds flow by the opening

on the currents gulls no longer take,

open-close my eyes command themselves

tired and hungry were my last thoughts

of the day as my head hits the pillow,

my body follows subconsciously 

as it will tonight is presumed...

September 9, 2024

Monday, September 16, 2024

Moonless Night

moonless night it is
dark and foreboding,
a night for devils
and their wolves,
a night where good
is lacking - evil is
a night where Satan
strolls the roads,
highways, and paths
in the shadows...
bad omens lay on the
floor of this night,
waiting to be opened
by innocence and 
those too naive to 
know better...
this night is void
of good and void of
light and void of
anything on which
honesty might rely,
moonless night - in
peril are we all...
don't wait here too
long for fear of
never returning.

September 11, 2024

Sunday, September 15, 2024


days pass by unnoticed
victims are left out to perish,
months roll away quickly
perpetrators sing their praises,
years stray into decades
instigators die at noon,
dead leaves that never fall
weigh down the branches,
branches break off too early
disfiguring the mighty tree,
wind blows good fortune
into a desolate valley that
once had no future at all...
days pass by unrecorded
months have no identity
years that bear resemblance
to the truth are soon found
void of any explanations,
trees dug up and moved
before branches decay
are said to be the loyal ones,
should always be obeyed.

September 10, 2024

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Blue Boats

blue bloats on the wall
three in total, others
hidden afterwards...
blue houses hillside
mounted, other on the
side as well, trying to
keep from sliding down,
blue sky and clouds
some dark, others light
and blue ice on which
the boats reside...
blue stripes on some
others not with blue
letters in foreign tongues
printed on the side...
on the blue ground
the blue boats sit waiting
for people from blue
houses to steer them home,
once the blue trees shed
all their blue leaves and
blue painting no longer
need to hang on the wall.

September 9, 2024

Friday, September 13, 2024

Dark Eve

evening darkens my thoughts

pulling words from the grave

buried deep in the recesses

of my earlier years, when morbid

was the cornerstone of lucid

memories, fantasies had yet to

spout sexual desires and the

inner weaving of my soul

had yet to develop and flourish,

light vanishes, stars collide 

with dark energy in between

the hours of dawn when life

rebuilds its momentum and

evil evaporates into thin air.

September 9, 2024

Thursday, September 12, 2024


border towns nearby house illegals
we stay inside after dark,
it really does not matter much
victims we are intended to be,
patrols march in and out, taking
names as they flow by,
offering words of encouragement
falling on our deaf ears...
nature bends us over at will
taking away our youthful energy,
we stalk the farms daily for work,
told to come back tomorrow...
ears of corn we steal on our way out
the farmers know and do nothing
fears of repercussions we all have
not too soon will disappear...
babies at the water's edge, learning
to swim without supervision,
underwater it goes again and again
just like a submarine that has
decided not to surface...
border towns nearby house us
with or without their consent,
we have no bail money to post
soon we'll be returned to hell.

September 6, 2024

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Aging Encompassed

of confusion dart past my eyes
avoiding the rising sun early on...
birds or bats pass me by
I know not which nor do I care...
silent songs persist in my ears
jaws open to catch the passing air,
weeping willows stand at the ready
palms bend over in the wind,
magnolia blossoms fall all around
no rest for the weary around here,
secrets of the shadows add to the
confusion already felt...  no more
do I wander here and there
without a rope tied to my belt...
incarcerated fantasies broke free earlier
a police escort was then received,
guards had their weapons drawn,
I was in my bedroom slippers...
neatly are the curtains down
around my padded windows...
moments not too far from here
will take me back to my origins.

September 6, 2024

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Mind Salads

tomatoes on the windowsills
basking in the morning sun,
soon to be in salads but not
caring about eventualities...
pickling cucumbers cooling
in the frig, soon to be sliced
and diced, right now have
no desire to be bothered...
onions, bell peppers, and
parsley will be added
depending upon tastes,
along with salt and pepper...
gobs of dressing will
balance the appetite almost
to good to be eaten, but
all must wait as I have
yet to finish my coffee.

September 4, 2024

Monday, September 9, 2024

Inside and Beyond

step inside my mind
if you will
and see the wonderous
sights I do...
from fallen angels to
devilish demons,
from sunsets to sunrises,
darkness to light,
stars from far off galaxies
and those from a 
close by system...
see the good, bad and evil
life has to offer and
those who try to 
split the difference,
the magic of thought,
imagination and fantasy,
leading towards reality
and truth and a final
understanding of life.

September 4, 2024

Sunday, September 8, 2024


afternoons tell the story when
mornings cheat the day with
their superior attitudes...
afternoons, caught in the middle
suffer the consequences of
internal struggles brought on by
a miscalculating universe...
afternoons are rewarded when
cooler heads prevail and life
follows the examples it has
been given from the start...
afternoons bleed into evening
when the day prescribes
more than it can handle and
afternoons are considered
the bastard children of 
night's union with itself.

September 1, 2024

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Rain Possible

rain possible after twelve, 
the message says
it's read twice to make sure
weeping plants whither in the heat
oppressive and sustaining,
animals lingering on the deck
not expecting relief...
birds in the branches no longer sing
squirrels hide inside their holes
waiting for fall's nuts to drop,
inside we remain, fearful of strokes
venturing from room to room
for daily exercise...
rain possible after five, 
the new message says
holding our breath, we do not
pretending to know the weather
is claimed and truthful information
it is not or portends to be...
inside waiting patiently for the rain
never arriving when expected
and we wonder where it has gone
and when it may reappear.

August 30, 2024

Friday, September 6, 2024

Sunroom's Fate

morning sun fills the room with 
life abundant and clear
visible between the panes of glass
behind the brick and mortar,
furniture formalizes its shape
bodies occupy its spaces
life is clearly visible...
emerging from darkness it has
from the night before
and the night before that,
pushing through the evil and despair
as it laid dormant in silence...
afternoon light fills the space again
hoping to last a little longer,
seeking no damages or compensation
with it struggles to remain alive,
seeing itself as a bridge between
what's real and what's not...
light conceals itself in the walls
and in the floors as it sleeps,
as it sustains itself until the
passing of time is again fulfilled,

August 30, 2024

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Time's Edge

time moves forward leaving in
its wake memories...
consistent and continual,
persistent in its future arrivals,
moving around systems and galaxies
falling stars and planets,
in between dark matter and energy
searching for gravity - hoping to
slow down inevitable entropy,
time moves forward through
inescapable moments of life,
past death and decay and
from one dimension to the next
in its quest for alignment...
purpose...  its finality...
slowly evolving time needs
space in which to operate, grow
and expand its awareness,
never leaving behind darkness
or the light that keeps it is
some sort of perpetual balance.

August 30, 2024

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Energy Darkness

bursts of energy fly through the sky
more vivid by night than by day,
whisps of darkness cling to the sky
holding it together where torn,
time seeks out gravity as it bends
attempting to sustain life,
stars fall and stars combine but
stars never compete with each other
in their own systems of delight,
awkwardness prevails in the sky
more gruesome by day than night,
good and bad filtered aimlessly
hoping to dilute its evil...
systems beget galaxies that soon
beget universes - multi dimensional
side effects of three dimensional
travel through space and time and
matter and energy that darkens the
sky ever so prematurely these days.

August 29, 2024


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Fantasies Lingering

a misty morning maze covers
my mind as peering off I do,
recollections of times before
when all was well and
all was relatively new...
early seasonal showers
cleanse my thoughts and
those of associates who dare
to stand before me in the
halls of my memories...
warm salutations of an
insincere kind float through
air like ashes from a forest
fire nearby...  glancing into
the dessert when no trees
can survive, wondering of 
the culprit who, by now,
is long gone into those
persistent fantasies that
haunt my lingering life.

August 29, 2024

Monday, September 2, 2024

Sky Eyes

a dessert road
a hundred-mile walk
a thousand lost
who's to blame
who struck first
we carry the shame...
many year ago
before our birth
the red man 
ruled the earth
what was the truth?
blue eyed and brown
came a knocking
that's all it took to
get things rocking,
we write books
and paint art to
rectify the errors,
white men planted
in our minds...
one day soon we will
prevail, sending them
kind into hell.

August 27, 2024

Sunday, September 1, 2024


toasted by the sun

lay on the ground

like dead fall leaves...

boundless energy offered to

sky gods watching over us,

ideas dried up and forgotten

float down creeks and streams,

tiny pebbles that cannot

defend themselves...

air ideas bubble forth,

up and endless onwards,

on a quest of awareness

far from their origination...

bent over in delight, we

inaugurate our minds to the

condition known as apathy.

August 26, 2024