Thursday, September 12, 2024


border towns nearby house illegals
we stay inside after dark,
it really does not matter much
victims we are intended to be,
patrols march in and out, taking
names as they flow by,
offering words of encouragement
falling on our deaf ears...
nature bends us over at will
taking away our youthful energy,
we stalk the farms daily for work,
told to come back tomorrow...
ears of corn we steal on our way out
the farmers know and do nothing
fears of repercussions we all have
not too soon will disappear...
babies at the water's edge, learning
to swim without supervision,
underwater it goes again and again
just like a submarine that has
decided not to surface...
border towns nearby house us
with or without their consent,
we have no bail money to post
soon we'll be returned to hell.

September 6, 2024

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