Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Myrtle Beach Fall 2016 Vacation Series #1

Sole Solution

breezes blow gently
as if a fan were in the sky
solar powered
for its Southern guests;
fall waves and currents
no different from summer
approach the sandy shore
foaming at the mouth
like a race horse;

foreign voices
carried by the wind
not understood
pierce our ears, but,
we see little difference
in their appearances;

pigeons walk
with bobbing heads
back and forth in
states of anxious depression
hoping to find
tidbits of discarded food;

well tanned lifeguards hoist
blue flags of safety and
upon returning to their perches
survey their constituents
who have no voting rights
at these cooled off shores;

lamentation limits scurry
around the ground like
bug-eyed crabs whose home
has been disturbed by the water
too cold for us to enter and if
we did, too rough to pee into,
so less liquid is consumed;

humidity still hangs heavy
when not blown away,
sun still scorches the toes
when nooners are the
sole solution of the day.


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