Monday, November 30, 2020

Meant To Be

with arms crossed in resistance
I sit stoically in silence
staring out at the dark houses
where the inside residents
have not begun their day,
pondering and wondering
about nothing in particular
other than the "why" we are here
but not in the sense of purpose
but in the sense of situation;
reflecting on the past
the words that were said
or not said...  and
all the actions that were taken
achieving nothing yet
served to make our lives worse
in the sense of hatred
and the belief that all of this
all of what we have
is somehow wrong and
should never have happened
neither being able to explain
in a way that made sense
that it was meant to be.

28 October 2020

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Life Changes

we live inside walls
inside barriers
protecting or hiding
from reality;
we seize the moment
but not the day
hoping others will
carry the torch
the fuels the flames
of change;
we dive into water
but not into truth
avoiding that which
we dislike,
seeing our future
protected by
those we like;
we hang our clothes
in closets of hate
while preaching
otherwise each
thinking no one
pays attention
to our ignorance.

27 October

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Staying Home

silence permeates
fog lingers
dogs bark at shadows
light opens sight
we fight and scream
at opinions
far too silly to win
disputes of likes
and dislikes
and mornings spent
with others...
silence lingers
fog permeates
shadows stalk dogs
dark closes in
and as we sleep
we look forward
to awakening
and have it all
begin again.

27 October 2020

Friday, November 27, 2020


as a boy
I thought like a man
as a teenager
I thought like a child
as a man
I thought like a teenager
as a senior citizen
my thoughts were not my own;
as a soldier
I thought like a prisoner
as a student
I thought like a liberal
as a liberal
I thought like a conservative
as a spouse
I thought like a partner;
who I am is
who I am not and
who I am not is
what I aspire to be one day
if life continues as is
or even differently becomes,
I am the same as
always I have been
except when thinking as if
I were a boy again.

26 October 2020

Thursday, November 26, 2020


acres of ideas lay unfurrowed 
dawns of unannounced mornings
off in the distant future dwell,
the past reminds us of all
to which we have no access,
remembering what was as if
it will somehow buy us time;
dead is dead and near death
is what we all are living in
desperate little silos as if
stored for a hungry future;
fields are plowed without
proper machines and lives 
are lost without proper care
as doctors flock to become
law enforcement agents of
a quickly dying urban area;
we live each dawn as sunset
and each sunset as yesterday
from which we learned nothing,
offering hope on Sundays 
along with the tithe that was
stolen from our neighbors who
were tending unfurrowed ideas.

26 October 2020

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Winter is Coming

winter is coming or so they say but
not today or any day recently I see
yet we prepare for winter nonetheless and
I suppose hope that one day it will arrive,
all blessings asked will be given and
fears felt fall into fires of forgiveness,
as the winter could linger on and on
and what would we do waiting for spring
if all our bellies are cold and frozen;
winter is coming I do not regret nor do I
look forward to its arrival as it represents
death, despair, and decay and a natural
end of life the old fashion way but it
is not a season that one should trust
as it can be brutal as unrequited lust;
winter is coming and feel it everyday 
wondering when it will finally arrive
and how long it will eventually stay,
and wonder if the day's night can be
as boring as they say when those who
have experienced winter before all
come to this valley, kneeled, and prayed.

25 November 2020

A Fool's Errand

fools live on the edge of reality

having no thoughts for themselves
believing without questioning
following without understanding
spouting without thinking
wondering why other see them at all
in states of confusion smoldering
like a campfire after the meal was
too burned to easily consume;
we trespass on our own trespasses
not realizing our own thoughts
as we spoke them in partial phrases
not remembering their scope or
that one time we were indifferent
to the proposals being proposed;
we stand aloof because we know
no other way to stand, and believe
because we know no other way
we should be believing the gospel,
seeing not its discrepancies but
only its truths as were conveyed.

25 October 2020

Tuesday, November 24, 2020


we gather in HIS NAME on Sundays
and sometimes on Wednesdays 
but seldom other days...
we feel justified in our presence
and in our approach as
we alone rule our faith like a
Cape Hatteras light house
without the "come along" beacon    
for the strays that wander
along her rocky coastlines;
we gather in HIS NAME as is appropriate 
hoping for salvation but expecting
more than just our death,
we see our justification in works
in which we participate often
as insurance for our reward,
seeing the light neither at the end
or the beginning of the tunnel
crawling our way to forgiveness
because it says so shall you reap as sow
knowing our restraints are weak;
we gather in HIS NAME and see neither
HIM nor HIS light as we manifest
our beliefs by our attendance,
seeing the sin in absence but
not in weekly observations of our
own limited conditions believing that
in which we know to be true.

25 October 2020

Monday, November 23, 2020


some mornings are there when you arrive
some mornings creep in slowly while
some mornings never seem to present,
mornings bring routines and rituals
mornings kickstart the day and work
mornings provide fuel for thoughts,
we feel lost without our mornings
we mourn when our mornings hide
we need to tie mornings together,
there is no afternoon without morning
there is no evening without morning
there is no sleeping until the morning,
mornings bring us comfort
mornings bring us breakfast
mornings bring us rejuvenations,
I am the one who gave you mornings
I can be the one who takes them away
I am the one who grants all wishes
I am the beginning of the day.

25 October 2020


Sunday, November 22, 2020


from one dimension to another
we travel like gypsies whose
sole purpose is move faster
that the time it takes to see
growing old and prospering;
traveling in and out of time is
like traveling in and out of a
fine woven tapestry that is too
precious to sell to just anyone
so it hangs of wall of admiration;
bodies set forth in motion cannot
remain silent from the sights
and sounds made transitioning
through parallel membranes or
the unpleasant dynamics of it all;
we see fire and smoke or perhaps
a burning bush or two but nowhere
can we imagine being out of time
as we know will happen when
we finally reach our destination.

24 October 2020

Saturday, November 21, 2020


surrounded by trees and houses I am

sitting outside in a fall morning cold

basking in its quiet solitude pondering

as I often do about the virtues of meditation

and if there would ever be a time for me

with cosmic consciousness I connect

and understand the wisdom of centuries

as it so would revolve inside my head,

and also wondering as I do...  how long

would it remain inside or I inside it

without any fears of retaliation from

those who have no scope or power

and must rely on instincts and experience

to come close to what I would have so freely

and once the wisdom inside me I see, I

then would wonder how long it remains

or once the link is broken it no longer

remains inside or is no longer me or

the substance I have seen when it had

been inside and had been a part of me.

21 November 2020

Worn and Torn

shades of reds, greens, and yellows
cascade through my mind as if falling
into some deep dark recesses of an
imagination too vivid to be released
for consumption by mere strangers;
shades of blues and browns cover
the means by which we relax as we
now shelter more inside than out
since to cooling of the weather now
lives in between the two seasons;
flights of fancy fly overhead while
birds sing songs of encouragement
from the tree limbs still covered by
those leaves refusing their duty;
swarms of winter smells funnel
through those filtered sounds we
remember from our childhood 
that now seem farther away than
the worn image in our pockets
carried longer than was intended.

24 October 2020

Friday, November 20, 2020

A Mourning Procession

a quiet mourning spills through the valley
as we release our thoughts from summer,
turn our focus to a few months of cold,
and prepare the outside for the severity
that has not been anticipated recently;
our thoughts run down the road like the
summer rivers of rain we used to get
and without meaning, they are left to
drown a quiet death in the cool water;
our eyes see into the future and convey
a harsh winter followed by a barren
spring and an uncomfortable summer
due to the changing beliefs of those
who would tell us what to do and how;
our souls wish to flee to a more positive
time when simplicity ruled the land and
we knew who was who by the way they
were dressed for dinner and we knew
their beliefs from their table manners;
King George has long since vanished
but we labor under the pretenses that
we should be thankful for the governors
who decide how we mourn their passing.

24 October 2020

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Sibling Dishonor

a snare drum cadence of rain falls
on the gutters of our dwelling in
the early morning of the fall day,
giving rise to a wetter day than
was first anticipated last night
when discussing tomorrow and
the promises we wanted to keep
in lieu of our family disputes;
in the realms of our travels, we
find it easier to communicate
our loses rather than our gains,
exploring options that rule us
out of the competition we have
waged for decades between us;
rain simplifies the old game of
mistrust and deceit that exists
between us as if we were never
siblings at all when given life.

24 October 2020

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Signs of Fall

dead leaves on the dirt ground lie
shades of browns and yellows,
surrounded by pale grasses that
soon will be tainted brown as well;
fall comes every year unfortunately
as cold replaces warmth and the
earth returns to its state of rebirth
leaving all the memories of what
had been out in the cold to die;
wicked are the cycles as they weave
their way through our lonely lives,
without any cares or concerns that
might prevent their yearly returns;
life abandons itself regularly as it
retraces itself through the months,
destroying that life for another
that will return all to soon again.

23 October 2020

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

When Family Dies

eight and twelve is the difference we see in
what separates these three from each other,
and if there ever was a family inside them
it has long since been abandoned hereto;
a parental claim of togetherness was the
standard by which their lives were led
and when that standard broke in two,
never a more polarized trio was there as
they led their independence with an
ambivalent attitude towards the others;
and, in so doing sealed their fate and
as with all trinities there is always a
balance that leans toward one side and
never shall the one in the middle have
what the other two have taken away.

23 October 2020

Monday, November 16, 2020

Held Responsible

yesterday, my words expressed a sentiment
that was felt then but not today...
or was it...  I know not exactly,
yet, I am to be remembered for it forever,
or so it seems to the recipient who
reminds me constantly it was said;
yesterday, my words sounded solemn and serious
but not today as they are light hearted and fun,
but I am to be remembered for yesterday
not today since only yesterday was heard;
yesterday, my thoughts were indicative
of the day before or the day before that one
as I am not totally sure...
they are mere words that come and go
as they please for me...
yesterday, my words were just words
written for the moment, not the occasion
reflecting the concern but not the truth
written with emotion not with thought
yet, these words will be my legacy and the
legacy of those who believe in me
to use my words as freely as can be
given the random circumstance from
which those words have been given birth.

22 October 2020

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Without Influence

mornings of fall dwell in our minds as
we rejuvenate our souls in whirlpools
of luxurious doubts for the impending
cold we are about to endure and the
multitude of clothes we will wear...
all in an effort to feel as if we are
protected from those elements that
would do us harm not realizing all the
harm we perpetuate upon others when
selfishly exclude our siblings from the
lives our parents did not want for us
withdrawing their love and support
since they had received none earlier.

22 October 2020

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Night Truths

endless images float through my mind
on some preordained enlightened path,
failing to share their authorization with
those with whom they interact on a semi
regular basis as no news is good news;
and, as these images rest on the insecure
foundations of individualized hope, a
vast majority of them simply deter the
host from any further explorations that
might cause the truth of the cure to be
illuminated and shared with those who
have not shared the same nightmares.

21 October 2020

Friday, November 13, 2020

Journey Home

the door to our upbringing is always open
and return we shall if we must,
a phone call in lieu of a visit is mandatory
but those calls dissipate over time
and we are left with the memories of those
from whom we thought we had escaped;
our lives mingle and intertwine with those
who do our bidding or we do theirs
but seldom remember how it all started
and hold no fantasies of how it will end
as we scrape up the pieces of life,
fashioning a new plate as though the old one
had never existed at all...   and, any
similarities is simple a coincidence;
and one day sooner than expected our
offspring leave by the door we left open
seldom returning as we had done
and without a phone call or note, they
live their lives according to their desires
while out wants and needs are ignored,
and we wonder what we did wrong;
and one day...
sooner than expected...
we drift into the sky like so many others
have done before us...
without saying goodbye...
and making no plans...
we are simply gone...  vanished...
never to appear again in this lifetime.

20 October 2020

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Over the Treetops

a heavy fog lifts and I can see forever,
my neighbor's homes and beyond,
inside the universe of doubt that hangs
over all our heads like some albatross
or Achille's Heal that will not mend;
trees drop their seeds onto the ground
as if some fall ritual of raping, expecting
seedlings in the Spring for perpetuation
that will take years to disappear if and
only if mankind decides to live here;
rats scurry along mental avenues and
backroads in a vain attempt to avoid
highways of anxiety and breakdowns
that seem to occur more with age,
and as the sun warms the day, we
return inside to the safety of thoughts
and the endless array of youthful ideas
that lies precipitously close to an
aged induced religious awakening.

20 October 2020 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


the warmth of the sun shines
on the on the pale decking,
its surface warm to the touch,
a cat lays prone in the sunlight
its body absorbing the heat,
its mind calm and its senses
relaxed as defenseless and
no one around notices its
vulnerabilities as it lays with
it back to the rest of life;
we, like the cat are defenseless
we it comes to our own survival
in the high stakes game of life,
living vicariously off the toil
of others while reaping the
same benefits from mankind.

15 October 2020

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

There Was A Time

a cocoon of time encapsulates the universe
as it expands into nowhere in particular,
life in the abstract dwells on some planets
in some solar systems in some galaxies
without hindrance or restrictions,
knowing its destination is as questionable as
its unique juxtaposition in the continuum of
time that counterbalances its own expansion;
time is an infinite dimension as it moves
forward as the past no longer exists and
the future has not been constriction by its
unprotected presence as a component of
that has never had a formal existence.

14 October 2020

Monday, November 9, 2020

Bending Trees

stalwart they stand beside me
a familiar sight each day
reminding and remember
when they arrived almost
two decades from today;
transplanted as they are
a new home have found in
the soil of this valley that so
many years ago was formed
awaiting their arrivals here;
and in all the storms that
followed they would merely
bend back and forth but
never would they break
and fall to the ground as if
somehow hollow inside.

12 October 2020

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Our Journey

pretense precedes practicality,
we dump feelings into a reservoir
of our previous incriminations,
purified and clean we dress appropriately
signifying rebirth out of control,
a cool calm calculates our destinations
we limp along undetected in our
approach to an impending death
and those who would have us gone
look the other way down the street
as if waiting for the parade that
like Godot never arrives at all.

12 October 2020

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Without Memories

we are out memories
their sum total,
good or bad
indifferent or relevant,
we are them and
they are us in
how we see ourselves
and all of that
which brought us here;
we are defined by memories
judged by memories
labor under false memories
and sometimes
simply cannot remember
what was experienced
or what was felt
damaged or implied
as uncertainty clouds
our memories,
their accuracy and
appearance and
the facts around which
we have based our lives
up to this point and
into the future;
we are void of our
history and how our
past influenced and
created our insanity.

11 October 2020

Friday, November 6, 2020

The Wings of Birds

gliding through the sky effortlessly,
they slope upward or down
move fast or slow
dive or ascend as rapidly as the eyes
can follow their movements,
abruptly landing with claws
that have a lifetime of experience
grasping onto the branch
like an idea worth saving,
swaying to and fro like a ballerina
tossed into the air without
the safety of her companion;
always graceful
always sleek
always curious about the other side
moving from tree to tree
blending in to rest until
it is time again to spread their wings
traveling to the next destination
with the same curiosity
as they had moments before.

5 October 2020 

Thursday, November 5, 2020

A Life of Futility

a chilly breeze blows in the morning
an uninvited guest into the porch,
an open the door returning
to a limited life of freedom;
our lives parallels the woodpecker
a captivity surrounded by friends and foes,
prudent in what we say
how we dress
expressing our beliefs 
stand against the wind as it blows
chilly in the fall mornings,
cloaked by darkness when asleep
patterns drifting in and out
of a consciousness that few experience
as the ride the currents towards an
unknown destiny of capitulation
that shortens our understanding of self.

5 October 2020

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

American's Politicians

danger creeps along the walls and floors
of our subconscious like slugs in the night,
hoping to find moisture from which it can
extract its sustenance like politicians ply
voters with nonsense to receive votes;
we are creatures of habits and danger is
no stranger to our sanctimonious pleasures
derived from the heartbeat of constituents
whose only fault lies in belief and the
fear of misplaced beliefs from opponents;
danger hides and lurks in our disbeliefs
like the slugs that crawl on our walls
giving us the nightmares that we must
face another day lying to the public.

5 October 2020

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Lacking Courage

we abandon rational thought,
we turn speculations into facts,
we take remedies of false hope
and understand that
there was no justification;
we are reckless
in all our actions and deeds
relying on the souls
of our dead ancestors to 
provide advice...
our desires have been assassinated
by those who have no ideals
or the courage to
stand up for what they believe,
hiding behind the skirts of
the transgendered to
provide legal counsel
for their short comings.

4 October 2020

Monday, November 2, 2020

Life's Perimeters

red skies in abundance
cumulus clouds layering
cold filtering through
sweaters and toboggans
leaving the hand free to
explore the wilderness
of the unknown and take
joy in the notion that we
can still feel our way
around life's perimeters.

4 October 2020

Sunday, November 1, 2020


siblings dance in separate corners of the universe
unfriendly and distance since the funerals
bodies placed into the ground unconditionally;
time honored traditions ignored with
convenience taking the high road to eternity
and melodrama ignored for the sake of children
who had made no determination about those
with whom they had had little contact;
within moments, souls were freed and
personalities saved when the sermons spoke
unraveled all the mysteries of the day.

3 October 2020