Sunday, April 14, 2024


courage sits on the nightstand beside the
bed in which we sleep at night so it can
be used by the heroes of our imagination,
a tribute to our nocturnal dreams that 
start during the day as they interpret our
true intentions with how we live our lives;
it is a generous attempt at the salvation
we perceive is due but never arrives...
we fight the demons of our illusions,
defending our actions by the donations
we make to our favorite charities...
courage sits on the nightstand waiting
for its opportunity to be retrieved  for
some nefarious process in which the
bold and the brave converge, shake
hands and part company as friends...
courage sits on the nightstand with the
nose spray and anti-acid tablets neither
of which are seldom used since the
case was made for sleeping pills to 
supreme justices, all of whom concurred
with the logic of the nightly intake.

April 7, 2024

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