Thursday, March 6, 2025


frustration increases on the normal
side of anxious reality...  protocols
dictate what is or what is not...
tempers flares as risk diminishes
with words expressed incorrectly
and interpretations always favor
those who have the least to lose.
both side revel in the spotlights
advisors meek and bold suggest
failing strategies and the deal
crumbles like bowls of over-
cooked cookies...  soon to be
carted off to the poor and needy.
fingers pointing at the opposition
glad that failure has taken place,
outcomes are no longer important
as long as nothing is gained and
all ventures finally suspended...
holes in the curtains block out
less sun but allow penetration
of peeper's eyes seldom referred
to as voyeurs...  noble is the cause
and horrendous is the downfall of
those who deemed themselves too
nimble for mistakes to catch them.

March 1, 2025

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