Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Rotten thoughts inside me have remained

throughout my life, especially when influenced

by the persistent pest of doubt; but, these

thoughts guide me precipitously yet

remove them all, I cannot nor should I actually

when as I reflect upon them, they have

formed my foundation and my sight

through which I see the mockery of life

and the disdain we have for each other;

shaved and old I am but those who remember

still want to see the shadow as this is how

their frozen minds relate to time’s passing

and to the passing of all that we once were,

never knowing or understanding that we

fade while always remaining who we are;

because, there is only the present nowadays

and if we knew, then too, I suppose; but,

our youthful arrogance guided us and it is

to that distant past, we now want to go.

July 11, 2012

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