Sunday, November 24, 2013


perched upon the precipice of doubt, my
hawk like eyes scan the horizon, looking for
those who would prey upon my wisdom;
winds of apprehension blow strong
against my mental feathers as I
some of them falling to the ground;
Cherokee recipes of courage lay at my feet,
waiting to be scrolled out and used, but,
are unreadable due to yesterday's rain;
a haunting presence of my ancestors flows
through my veins uncontrollably like chemo
diluting and poisoning my inescapable heritage;
minutes turn to hours, then to weeks, days, and years
while I ponder the inevitable as though it
were a freshly added verse to Revelations;
my long standing fortress begins to crumble
from the unnatural weight of my own thoughts,
and the clearer I see the less I understand;
time seems to heal nothing while providing us
with just enough distance in between to only
allow us to glimpse at fading mental photographs.


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