Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Sunday, May 25, 2014

I recently spent 2 weeks at Hobe Sound (Jupiter Island), Florida, giving me an opportunity to cast my creative net into another body of thoughtful waters...  Hope you enjoy the series...

the serene beauty of a dark night
erodes slowly into the light of day;
we walk into sun filled rooms
as if we expected nothing different,
letting the light diffuse our spirits,
numb our senses and memories,
a lethal injection of irony sweeps
over us blending our rhythms and
allowing us to conform to the
ritualistic routines, we call life.

glide…  glide…  glide…
these birds of prey do,
ever so close to the surface,
effortlessly skimming
wings outstretched
heads down…
piercing eyes penetrating;

updrafts and down drafts
in motion taken
as if gasping for air,
glide…  glide…  glide…
as these Pelicans do
ever so close to the surface,
ever so close to each other,
seldom catching
(while I be watching)
relentless scouring the shoreline
as if,
their hunting may conclude
with a dive
into the murky, blue-green waters,
retrieving a
slimly scoundrel or a
defenseless hatchling turtle.

slithering along the
hot slates and tiles
of the patio,
are tiny monsters
morning features
and bloated red necks
scare away
the snowbird tourists,
vacation down this way,
drinking their martinis dry
and eating their weight
in seafood,
life gets no better than this.


glide along the edge
distorted waves
out of sync
uniformly disconnected
ripples in the water
traveling the length
then dissipating
into a wall
push outward and around
to begin again
their journey
perpetual motion
fueled by the wind
and the mind
and the eyes
that see
what they want to see
and no more.

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