Thursday, September 11, 2014

Saturday, May 31, 2014

how gentle and unassuming
those waves seem from my
vantage point today, but when
I walked among them as friends
might do in a bazaar looking
for produce to buy, they were
not so friendly and tried
many times to get me to stumble
and lose my way home, hoping,
I assumed, I would join them
on the other side and become a
distant shadow behind the wall.

high in the sky
the sun is today
when I awoke
from a late sleep
burdened by the
dreams of the
previous day but
by the reality
into which I awoke;
it was not for
me to say too much
as she would surely
take away my dreams
the next time I lay
down to sleep and
I would be unable
to recall what I
had done previously
to which
I was too reluctant
to conclude that
age was a
terrible mistress
to have
at any time.

with a glint in your eye,
you press forward and
taking my hand,
place it on your pleasure spot,
hoping to stir in me
the passion you already feel;
with a subtle reminder,
I whisper in your ear that
it is too late in the day for me
and perhaps
we should wait until tomorrow;
you walk away quickly and
do not speak to me again.

a large platter of water is what
I see in front of me
as far as I can see
out to my visual horizon,
but, I know
it extends farther
even though
it appears to end, and I
am perplexed by this illusion
and wonder if
my life follows what I see
or is mirrored by it?

the waves that pursue me are
like veracious water hounds
biting my back as
they chase me forward
and occasionally,
I am rolled down and under,
and the hounds
wash over me without noticing

Sunday, June 1, 2014
Nothing written today...

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