Monday, September 15, 2014

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

deeper and deeper
into the sand
my feet sink with each step,
pulling out with suction
and with heavy breathing
I shoulder my way
closer to the water,
where more compact sand
makes the walking easier…
the waves
back and forth toss me,
almost stumbling,
knees weakening,
pull up…  out…   and forward…
with each step;
one step done,
then another and
and a wave grabs me
with under toe
and back and forth I go,
almost stumbling,
knees buckling,
open mouth breathing…
stepping forward,
getting closer
destination secured.

the sun assaults my body
like no other lover can,
and I feel hot to the touch
and very enlarged in my
attitude and feelings; but,
each time I try to
consummate our relationship,
I find you hiding
behind my back,
then disappearing…
to heat up another.

with each dream
I become bolder,
until one day, I
have become that
person I never
thought I’d be,
knowing that
when that happened,
I would never, ever
want to awake.

I could sit here for days
and watch these waves,
as mesmerizing as they are,
gently rolling in and out;
in fact, I think
that is exactly what I’ve done;
I could let the sun and sea mist
corrode and abuse my body and
never feel like I’ve been betrayed;
I could let blisters grow and
harden as I walk the sandy beaches,
never thinking of the ground beneath;
I could smell the pungent odor of
fish and other sea creatures daily,
fearing absolutely no implications;
I am the water…
I am the sand…
I am the sea mist blown by the winds all around;
I am all that you enjoy here…
I am why you visit and,
I am why you never want to leave.

make me whole again, I
yell at the little guy
inside my head, who has
the power to turn heads;
give me the feet I need
to walk away from this
dream in which I have placed
myself too long, I say; but,
no reply there is and
no acknowledgement of
communications at all on
which to hold him accountable;
and yet, this little guy
directs and misdirects me
all the time for some kind of
sadistic pleasure, I presume;
and, I am left blaming myself
for what has been at his direction
and leadership all along, I see.

bruised clouds slowly move to the north,
a headboat cuts through the waters going south,
waves attack the shoreline moving westerly,
a gentle sun hides herself behind an overcast horizon;
a glass wall protects me from all I see

but there is a chill in the air today and
my visuals change often as if someone is
constantly moving backdrops for a staged play;
moment-by-moment my day unfolds
then minutes and hours have come and gone,
and if, I were to peer into tomorrow today,
I would see the same thing as this is vacation.

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