Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Monday, May 26, 2014

reflected in the windows
are the columns which
in between I sit,
looking out
as if trapped within my own image
and do not see
storm clouds approaching
nor do I see
the necessity for taking shelter,
since already encased;
voices, I hear…
and the sounds of passing seagulls
flying by
but see nothing
save my own reflected image;
but, even that
is not all that certain
since I could be on the outside
and attempting to look in.

like the abundant clouds in the sky,
so too do we live,
separating ourselves from
all the others who toil so
feverishly to stay alive;
like the white summer clouds
hiding behind the dark stormy ones,
we live our lives hiding behind
those who got us where we are today;
like the red skies of a sultry morning
that inevitably brings mosquitos,
we annoy the world around us
with our arrogant presence and
attitudes that we are part of a
visioned, historical destiny of sorts.

they say those who dwell
in these parts are high born,
but I don’t know about that
since birth is life and we
all seem to look the same;
still, I think that some like
to believe they are better
because in so doing it
gives them more of a purpose,
more of a reason, or so
they perceive…  to live the
life well they have been given
while others throw it away.

the sun pre-empts the rain and
invokes her inspiring majesty
as I witness the transformation
on this unpretentious morning
so far away from my home;
humid heat gains momentum
while the rusty hands of the
wall clock move slowly forward
and the day begins her journey;
muted sounds from the night
die a slow but definitive death
until resurrected again when
the sun visits our neighbors
who live on the other side.

up in the sky are palm crowns
like the ancient Aztecs wore, but
no bodies do I see below and
fear the worst is at hand…
do I hide…
do I run…
do I warn the others?

the dark deadly night has
betrayed herself to me by
letting me see her lovers, when
sleeping I should be;
what if…
I was meant to see
and be the first to know,
spreading the word far and wide,
no on believed me
and then,
where would I be?
and, more importantly what
you end up thinking of me?

on my right are
circus dwellers,
and on my left are
gold diggers;
behind me are
soothe sayers
and in front of me
are nay sayers;
above me are
truth tellers
while below me are
Indian givers;
surround sound is the
world in which I live
and like no other,
keeps me balanced
and focused
and on my toes,
but in danger of
too much thought
all the time.

I could walk to the
other side and slide
between the rain drops
that are now falling
from above my head,
but, nowhere do I
see the rainbow or the
pot of gold that follows;
a mysterious grey
countenance looks down
on me, leaving me with
concerns for my future
and fears that my blue
sky has indeed been stolen
as some childish prank.

heavy, dark-skinned coconuts
hand and dangle where palm
branches meet like gorilla balls,
a delicacy in some parts, I hear,
but not in this hemisphere…
were the lewd comments of vacationers
as they walked down the shell
laden, sandy shoreline of the island;
their dismissed and dismantled comments
remain in the forefront of my thoughts
as I reconciled what I heard but
soon realized that racism was still,
unfortunately, very much alive
in the world, even here.


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