Saturday, May 28, 2022

Closeness Breeds Contempt

for thirty years they lived together

taking care of each other's needs

and for thirty years they resented

all the time that they had given

because it seemed to both they had

received less and less over the years;

and at a time, when age put them

both at risk and when they needed

each other more than ever before,

there was a separation of the heart

and mind and an unrepairable soul;

the years were kind to both and to

many places they traveled seeing

sights they never would have seen

alone or with another, but that made

no difference when it came to living

in the same friendless house of theirs;

their children gone forever as none of

them ever wanted to return to a home

that had no love inside and all their 

friends stayed away as well not having

the desire to listen to their feuding;

they retired to a home too big for them

that provided plenty of space for them

to remain apart during the day but

complained about the chores associated

with it, knowing the alternative would

leave them worse off than before...

and when the time finally came that

one of them was no longer living, the

other one mourned so deeply that in

a few months was found dead as well.

20 May 2022

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