Sunday, July 31, 2022

End of July

July opens the door to August and August

reminds us that summer's end is just a short

walk in the sun away...  and, while the heat

will still persist for a month or two, the cooler

evenings will lower the temps of all the pools

that have not yet closed for the season...  this

is the time to venture down to an east coast

resort as most of the tourists have packed up

and left...  and while the rates have dropped

a little too, it is just nice to walk along the

coastline with your lifelong partner beside you.

22 July 2022

Saturday, July 30, 2022

The Death of Horus

the eyes of Isis stare down upon the people

who have come to pay tribute to Geb and to

honor the union to Osiris of the underworld

and to their child Horus who, for all these

many years has lived in the shadow of his

parents...  and, who now stands before his

creator and begs to be released from her

control...  with both feet firmly planted on

either side of the Nile, and with outstretched

arms begs for her forgiveness and the siblings

he has killed with his bare hands...  his honor

is no longer present on his countenance as

he is dressed in foreign garments that are not

known to anyone standing near him...  although,

many have fled to other parts of the city as 

they were informed of his approach...    he begs

Isis to reconsider her refusal to share her magic,

tempting her with the death of more children...

And, with one swift motion, she takes hold of

the moon and casts it down onto Horus, knocking

him into the water and with a slight grin she

watches him sink below the surface as he had

never taken the time to learn how to swim.

22 July 2022

Friday, July 29, 2022

Nightly Inhibitions

outstretched arms envelop the remains

of the day like an old lover tries to hold

onto the exuberance of youth only to

find that youth has vanished...  but the

night has different plans and soon day's

light has disappeared into the hearts of

all the black demons unleashed at dusk;

a curtain lowers to the floor of the stage

cutting off the actors from the audience

as a blanket of darkness covers the land

unable to contain all the light as the stars

begin to illuminate the heavens and the

moon shows a crescent smile as it watches

for flying saucers that are more visible

than the tails of shooting stars...  we sit 

on the clouds, gazing down at the hidden

land and all its inhabitants that do not

suspect the visitors have arrived and 

would not really care if they knew since

strangers bother them not in the least.

21 July 2022

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Walking to Remember

on the outskirts of life we live

me and my cats and a companion

who claims to know everything...

we hunt for our food in the water

and on the land, surviving by our

wits and the fickled nature of life;

we walk all the time and everywhere

not realizing how importance our

mobility really is until unless it is

somehow damaged by fate and

we are left not walking at all for

a spell...  longer than we care to

remember...   red skies at night

and red skies at dawn give us clues

for the day and while some of these

clues are accurate, many are not,

and we fumble around ourselves

trying to explain...   light gives us

hope and darkness gives us sleep

and while each day is different, we

look forward to them all, except 

the day our cats died and in grief

the companion committed suiide,

leaving me here to take care of it all

without any help from our friends.

19 July 2022

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

In The Meantime

the cool air of mornings surround the body

like a sweater on a winter night but these

mornings are summer induced and the only

creatures venturing out of their homes are

the birds, squirrels, and rabbits whose fluffy

tails draw unwarranted attention for the felines

who prey upon their innocence...  we are the

creatures of habit and recourse, planning and

distribution and rule with impeccable style

when we want to be seen...  in the meantime,

we remain inside, sheltered away from it all

as if we were too fragile a thing to come out

and play for a while... the leaves on the trees

and bushes bend upwards indicating more

rain will fall from the sky or at least that is 

where we perceive it to originate  from our

logical perspectives but who knows...  what

kind of life this is or what kind of reality,

since we can prove neither exists in any sort of 

definitive way as to be believed by everyone,

but all life comes to an end one way or another,

although some believe there is another one.

19 July 2022 

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

We Are Who We Are

along the river of the mind, we sail

in an endless loop from one side to

the other as if oblivion is a meaningless

concept to our captain who paddles

all the time without tiring...  our hull

is our unconsciousness that floats

aimlessly inside our consciousness

as if it were conjoined...  our sails

unfurl with each thought, catching

the wind that is created by our mental

exhausts...   we are cosmic in origin,

not belonging to anyone but available

to everyone who trespasses on the currents

of our ideologies, not fully understanding

or appreciate the nature of our blessed

sentimentalities...  we are anchorless and

rudderless as we roam the mind's river

not really caring whose mind or whose

river in which we are sailing...  only that

we are there with all the others who see

the strings of nature and who are bound

by nature's strings...  we dismiss idle

knowledge and the speculative format

of theory but we are acutely aware that our

ability to think is not always who we are.

18 July 2022

Monday, July 25, 2022

The Year That Is

morning and evening are soulmates but

but the day seems to get in the way...

a legacy of a hundred thousand years is

brought before us in a panorama of

history, unveiling all the miseries that

all the years have caused on the planet...

we sit juxtaposed to each other in an

effort to understand the thoughts that are

transmitted between us without the slightest

understanding as to why or how...  only

that it is the way and the way has always

been and no one questions the way or if

is morning or evening, just that another

day has been given to us both...  we are

serene in our glistening appearance...

the garment is tailored to fit and when

it does not, we are recalled, and our parts

are disassembled and given to others who

have no clothes at all and appear to be cold.

18 July 2022

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Becoming Who We Are

I am who I am and not who

you want me to be...

authentic and bold and

questioning everything...

I was who I was but not more

and when that transformation

came to pass, I was who I was

always meant to be...

and, nothing more...  we are who

we were meant to be and not 

what we wanted to be...

around the corner from when or

why especially after the when

since it was always meant to be...

I am who I was but not before

when there was only you and I

and all of those who did not want

to understand why we were...

we came to understand it all when

they did not understand us at all,

and when it was over, we knew both

of us had become that which they

had always wanted us to become.

17 July 2022

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Breaking Through

the funeral shroud of darkness hangs

around like a bad odor...  we peer into

the night with cat eyes, hearing more

than we actually see...  clinging to 

night sounds as if they were the lyrics

of poets floating around in a cosmic

consciousness...  rumors beget rumors

but we only listen to those thoughts

that manage to break through evil's

dark shadows that lurk inside the 

crevices of our dormant personalities;

we slide into night's waltz like strangers

whose dance card is vacant...  rooms of

gloom parade by us while we walk the

halls of someone else's imagination

that has invaded our space...  silos of

contentment looms over the moods that

we dress in hoping that recognition breeds

more satisfaction than we have given up

in lieu of waiting for the morning sun.

17 July 2022

Friday, July 22, 2022

In This Moment

downhill the water flows as consistently

as a new day always appears...  it flows

around rocks and trees and off a cliff

sometimes like a waterfall...  it flows into

the valley at the feet of the mountaintop

from which it had originated...  and in the

lowlands forms creeks that turn into streams

that turn into lakes and used for recreation;

around the lake the locals have parked their

campers and erected their tents and made

their campfires on which to cook the food

they are hoping to catch in the lake or stream...

some of these visitors go hiking around the

trails while others made their own path...

some go swimming in the cold waters while

other float on the water they must move 

with their own physical strength...  others

lay on blankets in the hopes of changing the

color of their white skin of which they appear

to have grown tired...  and, when the light of

day narrows into darkness, these visitors

huddle around their campfires telling stories

of how it used to be...  and, how it used to be

always seems more glamorous that how it is

today...  right here and now...  in this moment.

15 July 2022

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Always Unannounced

unannounced is the morning that flows 

into our lives each day...  

sometimes with sun,

sometimes with clouds,

sometimes with cold,

sometimes with rain...  we bask in the

knowledge that it is ever changing,

forward looking to the next one,

not wanting to sleep

because of the anticipation...   and yet,

when it arrives, it is just another day,

with all of its pros and cons...

and it always appears that the good days

move faster than the bad ones...

we yield all our thoughts and actions

to the day and while its activities and

situations cannot be anticipated, we

always know it will be there every

morning when we awake even though the

morning is never rally announced as the

assumption is that it does not need to be.

15 July 2022

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Inside Out

life bends its way into our subconsciousness

just like the day of our birth - without approval,

and after burrowing inside begins to influence

our reactions to the various stimuli of the day...

we wonder if our thoughts somehow have

been infiltrated by some unseen presence as if

we were being possessed by some alien...  but,

we do not really believe in such incarnations

no matter how plausible the evidence...  we

cannot bang our heads against the door as 

there are no doors inside our minds what with

all the renovations of openness...  as with all

the walls that have been removed as well...

we had no need of privacy until now and

wonder if we can simply hit the back button

returning everything to the way it was...  we

have had enough of the way it could be or

might have been if things were different...

things are not different and our consciousness

has no tolerance for all these absurdities.

13 July 2022

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Unseen Transformation

the morning floats in the air like a giant

butterfly held down by the humidity, we

walk around the community as if it is of

no concern, knowing our lungs are working

overtime as are our hearts pumping blood,

but we are invigorated by the opportunity

to push our bodies to the limits...  meanwhile,

our neighbors sit inside their air-conditioned

homes grumbling about the increased costs

of utilities...  the sun hides behind the clouds

from the evening before when thunderstorms

blew through the valley like tornados  but

without all the property damage other than

flying debris from the incessant winds...

we pay the price each morning that we awaken

since it is another day of increased costs and

fewer products to buy at the grocery stores...

we wonder about our ancestors and the price

that they had to pay while not concerning

ourselves in the least about any and all future

generations and what they might face...  we

are as hypocritical as our politicians, learning

to become like them rather than fight them...

and the transformation we do not see at all.

13 July 2022

Monday, July 18, 2022

My Path

along this path I walk

uniquely designed for me

I surmise...  as there being

a unique one for you...

my path is sometimes wide

and sometimes narrow,

it is sometimes easy and

sometimes difficult...

or so it is perceived...

and yet, it is the path I

must take whether I want

to or not...  not unlike my

birth to which I was never

consulted...  and, here I am

without consent, walking on the

path I did not choose, although

I do make choices, some good

and some bad but regardless

my path is uninfluenced by

simply my actions alone...

and when years have passed

and I can hardly walk...  will

it be explained to me why

this is the path I had to take?

11 July 2022

Sunday, July 17, 2022

After Having Back Surgery

a summer shower breaks the temperature

and the humidity, lowering the water in

the pool by two degrees...  enough to make

it a little more slower sliding into the water

to begin my afternoon walk...  and, while

the threat of dark clouds is on display

above my head, it never rains again and

my forty minute exercising is uninterrupted;

sitting on the porch, the rain fall gently,

no rain is blown through the screens as was

the case the other day when it rained...  the

quiet rain is pleasing to the ears and in a 

way is as mesmerizing as meditation to

those of us who are in a mood to relax...

the smell of fresh cut grass flows through

moisture, reminding us that the mowing

we did earlier was just in time...  and,

while reflecting on the generosity of this

thought am unceremoniously remindcd

that the mowing was performed the day

before and as I mellow in the notion that

age has penetrated my mind in a most

undesireable way,  I am thankful that I

can still remember my back surgery...

9 July 2022

Saturday, July 16, 2022

The Guitarist

the guitar hums several tunes as the fingers move

around the strings at both ends effortlessly... the

frets are used to alter the course of their meaning,

and the sunken eyes in the head of the man leaning

against the wall shimmer as he recalls a distant

memory that had once given him pleasure...  the

strings are loosened and tightened to change the

implications of the sounds and a cup sits beside

the artist, winking at each and every coin that is

dropped into its open belly...  a constable walks

out of the alleyway that connects two major

roads together for pedestrians and as he hears

the music filtering through the air smiles at

the artist and asks for his license...  the artist

picks up the cup and hands it to the man leaning

against the wall, packs up his guitar, and begins

to walk away...  the constable calls out to him

but to no avail, as the artist boards a transit bus

and disappears...  a crowd forms around the

constable and tightens into a smaller circle

until the constable cannot breathe, takes out

his pistol and fires it into his head...  the artist

returns the next day and begins playing but

first leans the constable up against the wall.

8 July 2022

Friday, July 15, 2022

Mexican Sangria

light permeates through the clouds and

even though we cannot see the sun, we

know it is getting close to the horizon...

and as the light diminishes in the valley,

we sit at the table with our family thankful

with what we have been given and grateful

for that with which we have been blessed...

it is a spiritual time for us this time of day

as we regroup and return to our homes,

mindful of the weather and that we have

mowed our grass before it rained and the

valley cooled right before the humidity

was in the process of choking...  we cooled

our minds and bodies inside while our

thoughts remained outside with no fear

of sunburn...  and when the door chimes

sound and our neighbor two doors down

hands us a bottle of Mexican Sangria and

as we smile broadly he says, "Thought you 

might enjoy...   I've been meaning to come

down for days but you know how it is?"

"Not to worry,"  I reply. "I've been sick

anyway...  won't you come in?"  He declined

my invitation and as I drank from the bottle

I reminded myself that friends are, sometimes,

better than one's own family who never calls.

8 July 2022

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Patiently Waiting

a vortex of feelings encircles my mind

each morning when I awake from a

troublesome sleep although with each

moment there is some sort of clarity

that did not exist before...  down and

dirty cards have been shuffled, dealt,

and played by me as my mental fortune

seems to dissipate a little more with 

each hand...  crystal clear are the visions

that flow through the veins of my sub-

consciousness as they twist and turn

ahead of the blood...  righteousness logs

sit like patient hounds behind the eyes

waiting to be sawed and burned in an

effort to stave off illness during each

game, as my senses, are depleted and

my desire to live no more is tested.

6 July 2022

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

The Perimeter

around and around the perimeter I walk

one foot in front of the other

one leg in front of the other

extending the stride as far as I can

as the water keeps me perpendicular

and balance is not needed by holding

onto the metal sides of the pool...

out of water, it is different...  I walk with

a limp on one side as I steady myself

with a cane or touching the surface of a

nearby wall...  and, the stride is about

half what it is when in the water...  I walk

for therapy and to heal the trauma that

was perpetrated on my lower back and

while it was with my permission, the

aftermath is not without its complications...

so if I were to seize the day, it could only

take place if I were in the water as on land

my body is far from being back to normal.

5 July 2022

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Southern Ponderings

on the back porch, I sit for the

hundredth time or more and as

I gaze at the wasps that are trying

to figure out how to get past the

screens, my mind does more than

just reflects, it ponders on all the

deeds and misdeeds that brought

me here to the valley of Tennessee

where the farmland flows northeast

and the Smokys provide shade to

all the marijuana plants that thrive

in her rich soils...  it ponders all the

make-shift stills that are hidden in

her caves and crevices away from the

eyes of the revenuers who seek them

out for whatever reason...  it ponders

the eagles, falcons, and hawks that

fly the currents of her skies without

having to pay tribute to the landlords

down below who are perched on fence

posts and rocks with rifles to hunt them

down for sport...  it ponders the influx

of immigrants from Texas who have

journeyed this far to the east coast and

who have decided to stay and live off

the land as share-croppers...  it ponders

the end of life that comes to us all and

it matters not what we have accomplished

as within a few years, it is all forgotten.

4 July 2022

Monday, July 11, 2022

Valley Thunder

distant thunder rolls through the valley

like an avalanche, reverberating off the

foothills of the great smokys...  rain pellets

the ground as if released from sawed-off

shotguns mounted on clouds in the sky...

still under cover churn out the product

distilled from the knowledge of decades,

while the literate drink to fill their bellies

since their minds have become immune

to the constant change of life...  customized

chariots transport elixir to all points of

the state but not outside to avoid the feds

who have set up camp at state lines...

distant thunder rolls through the valley

and only the keenest can determine if it

the weather or the roads that are responsible

for all the noise but most know it is highly

unlikely that we have that many storms.

3 July 2022


Sunday, July 10, 2022

Across the Galaxy

morning follows evening and evening

follows the previous day and the previous

days formulate our past upon which we

look back to ponder our choices,preparing

for the next morning...  it is a cycle that

continues until we die as the future is

always moving forward even though we

never seem to catch up to it...  reflections

allow us to forecast and forecasts gives

us the ability to feel reasonably certain

of our predictions...   and yet, there is 

always the one in a million situation that

does its best to flaw the process...   we 

are creatures of our own intellect and

stupidity making our way across the

galaxy in the hopes of finding our own

destiny before it finds us and returns us

to our various points of origin once again.

3 July 2022

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Life Seeks Salvation

nature flirts with her inhabitants through

the various seasons while societies flirt

with their residents through wars...  and if,

global wars were not enough we fight

agmost ourselves for control of a street

or a neighborhood, a city or a state...  we

seem to love violence and killing as a 

society but we are unlike nature completely

we don't just kill to survive, we like to kill

and derive much pleasure from the behavior;

we collect ourselves into groups, and elect

a leader to make all our decisions...  then we

follow blindly as if not to do so would mean

rejection and possible suicide...  and, as we

grow older to the end of our days, we crawl

on hands and knees to beg forgiveness to 

all those we have harmed...  hoping that this

act alone will give us everlasting salvation.

2 July 2022

Friday, July 8, 2022

Behind the Eyes

with eyelids closed, fingers gently

rub over them as if writing cursive,

and while tightly shut, I see in my

minds colored lines and shapes,

forming, vanishing, and reappearing

in different shapes and lines similar

to the explosion of fireworks on the

fourth of july...  if my fingers press

differently on my eyelids, the images

change but when a constant pressure

is maintained, there is a kaleidoscope

firing and misfiring as the arrays

appear and disappear uncontrollably,

in and out like thoughts...  but when

the images disappear they are gone

and I cannot remember what they

were as I try to sketch them out on

paper but the colored pencils that I

used are never as vivid as what I saw.

1 July 2022

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Perfect Blue Skies

perfect blue skies seldom arrive

at the same time as perfect warm

weather with no trace of humidity,

chance of rain, or falling evening

temperatures...  and, the blue skies

are free of clouds or any debris

passing by on its own...  they say

for some, those conditions are

between sixty-five and seventy-five

on a consistent basis to ensure it

is not a phenomenon...  and, there

is only one place in the world where

I know those conditions exist and it

is not in the city of Cairo, but in the

city of Honolulu...  tourism is a basic

source of income for both these cities

and yet the tourists who visit the 

latter city would prove this to be true

as well...  since the conditions in the

former city are most often recorded

with barely any humidity at all...

and we all know that only a certain

degree of humidity is always required

in order to have the perfect blue sky.

29 June 2022

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Valley Truth

dark clouds precede the thunder

thunder precedes the storm and

the storm precedes the rain...  it

is the routine of the valley to bear

this out...  and to all those working

outside they know this for true...

but recently weather patterns have

fluctuated and what we thought

we knew for true turned out to be

not that true at all...  continuity

and consistency has been lost on

this last generation who reads not

the sky or the environment but

instead relies on charts and maps

and forecasters to navigate their

daily routines....  as if they have 

someone else to blame for their

inherent shortcomings...  we know

these truths and we know them

well as we have lived with them 

for several decades...  but the truth 

no longer dwells in this valley and 

I am sure it dwells not elsewhere.

26 June 2022


Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Old Man With a Cane

around the concrete floor I walk

one step at a time...  slowly and

with a cane to steady...  back

muscles tense and ache while the

knees hold steady and firm...  my

free arm acts as a balance as I

glide around the inside balcony,

looking over at the old folks

playing some kind of paddle ball

and then realize I am an old folk

too...  not so much embarrassing

as it is why I lived this long and

for what purpose was this existence;

memories flow in and out as around

this rink I walk, feeling the air on my

face as other walkers, faster than me,

pass me by without so much as a 

glance in my direction to see how I

might be doing with my slow walking,

and then take pity on me as if I were

some old man with a cane...  dozens

of years I walked unnoticed, around

the neighborhood, up and down the

maze of interconnecting roads through

the community...  and, not once did

anyone pay attention as I passed them

by, letting them feel my wind in their

faces...  life has a way of hunbling

both the best and worst of us, as we

find ourselves getting closer to our

own sunset...  but today, I am walking

slowly with a cane in the hopes that

in a few short weeks my labors will

be rewarded - my life will resume.

24 June 2022

Monday, July 4, 2022

Crisis Internal

gray criss-cross patterns in a white rug

cover the blemishes on a hardwood floor,

staring at both for most of the morning,

I have come to the conclusion that life

is full of circumstances beyond one's

control as well as within one's control

as long as you have the cleverness to

see it in the rug's criss-cross patterns;

we wait until the skies grow dark before

we turn on the lights even if we can see

clearly from the blaze of the livingroom's 

fireplace...  and yet, we live unnoticed

inside our homes waiting for a package

from the postman that never arrives...

we are tended by strangers who call

themselves family, removing money

from our wallets when they think we

are not paying attention...  the painting

was completed with acrylics because of

the toxins associated with oils but we 

cannot hang it without a frame...  the

window gives me afternoon light and

the cat gives me friendship in an aloof

sort of way but better than nothing I guess.

22 June 2022

Sunday, July 3, 2022

An American Tale

we fill the holes in our head

with pretty little trinkets that

we collected over the years

when on vacation...  some of

them we gave away, some we

threw away, and some we kept

in case we discovered holes

that needed to be filled...  we

bow our heads to the sun god

for providing us with perfect

weather...  we bow our heads

to the night god for giving us

the ability to fall fast asleep...

we try and ignore the food god

because our crops have not been

all that plentiful these last few

years...  and perhaps it is the

rain god to whom we should

be talking as there has been

precious little of it...  we mix

and match our clothes so it will

not seem like we are wearing

the same clothes each weeks but

there is really not much to choose

from, telling ourselves that it is

what it is and pay attention to

something else...  we cook on an

open fire pit and use the forest 

as our toilet, bathing in the clear,

clean water that runs by very 

close to the house...  our house

of clay bricks and sticks has no

lessons to be offered other than

it was all my family ever needed...

I am American and I currently live

on a reservation on the land just

above what was known as Colorado.

20 June 2022

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Higher & Closer

the night comes and goes

as does the day...  noonday

provides us with warmth,

midnight with cold...  we 

stalk each other like wild

animals hoping to mate

whether more than once

is irrelevant...  our blood

flows whether we do or not

and eyes give us a chance 

to see what we missed which

never happens...  we hear

the enemy in our backyard

and prepare for battle without

any knowledge of our foe

but expect victory since we

live atop a mountain... and the

the only road up to the top

is lined with pitfalls, not of our

own making...  we peer over

the side once in a while to see

how everyone else lives but

have no desire to engage in banter

or mindless conversation...  the

path to glory is our isolation and

that we are higher and closer to

our goals than anyone else...  we

are mimicked by those who don

t understand and hated by those

who do...  we are the only hope

and future for our poor country.

19 June 2022

Friday, July 1, 2022

The Almanac

humidity penetrates the air like a

winter chill that seeps through the

cracks in our mental foundations,

thick air surrounds our bodies...

unseen and unheard but felt each

time we take in the air...  sitting or

standing, the movement is ever

so subtle and suffocating...  we are

careful where we walk and where

we place our feet so as not to trip

over the weeds that thrive in these

conditions...  moisture pours out of

our bodies as if we have just stepped

out of the shower and are reaching

for a towel...  our nostrils sense a

pending rain, perhaps a storm with

thunder, rain, and hail...  or perhaps

just a gentle summer sprinkling of

rain to release steam from the soil,

but there is something coming and

it is not winter, just more of the same

and we are not yet out of spring or into

summer as indicated in the Almanac.

18 June 2022