Saturday, July 16, 2022

The Guitarist

the guitar hums several tunes as the fingers move

around the strings at both ends effortlessly... the

frets are used to alter the course of their meaning,

and the sunken eyes in the head of the man leaning

against the wall shimmer as he recalls a distant

memory that had once given him pleasure...  the

strings are loosened and tightened to change the

implications of the sounds and a cup sits beside

the artist, winking at each and every coin that is

dropped into its open belly...  a constable walks

out of the alleyway that connects two major

roads together for pedestrians and as he hears

the music filtering through the air smiles at

the artist and asks for his license...  the artist

picks up the cup and hands it to the man leaning

against the wall, packs up his guitar, and begins

to walk away...  the constable calls out to him

but to no avail, as the artist boards a transit bus

and disappears...  a crowd forms around the

constable and tightens into a smaller circle

until the constable cannot breathe, takes out

his pistol and fires it into his head...  the artist

returns the next day and begins playing but

first leans the constable up against the wall.

8 July 2022

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