Friday, July 19, 2024

Glaring Heat

heat rumbles through me like nausea
twisting and turning me upside down,
night seats during the day -  my heart
pounds rhythms of a reggae band...
an oppressive of sorts the heat has
become to most of us in the southern
hemisphere as we put ourselves under
house arrest and remain mostly inside;
plants fair even worse than humans as
they are forced to remain outside in
their holes, trapping what little water
they can from their owners at night,
above ground pools have long since
been the fantasy of the non-wealthy
as they emulate their heroes, spending
as much time as they can in four feet,
sun worshippers on the coast and in
and around our lakes, spend time in
the evening wishing they had used
more lotion while some not at all...
blistered and burned, they return to
home vowing never to go there again.

July 13, 2024

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