Friday, July 26, 2024

Lazy Dreamer

I hear no pitter patter of rain
on the rooftops, nor do I hear
the drizzle of it in down spouts,
yet, it rains in front of me for
hours on end this morning as
trying to remove me from all
my lazy dreams - humidity 
is felt inside my head, clouding
my introspective visions...
keeping me from the trances
I seek while the rain pours 
though my memories...
cool air it is not that blows
though my consciousness,
seeking a recombination of my
illusive DNA...  a mysterious
sidewinder it be to me, wanted
dead or alive, if I remember 
correctly - down it pours...
again and again - letting up
is of no concern...  but misty
is the created morning, no 
doubts afternoon will be the
same or maybe more -  who
knows for sure anymore...  I
seek no companion to take me
there, into these lazy dreams
the rain creates, meandering
through my mind as it does...
grass towers above the fallen
leaves - yellow and brown
splotches on the ground...
Mariah cries out in pain -
boyfriend lost, never found,
rain buries the memories,
surrounding the spectacle
of thought that always stands
between me and my reality.

July 20, 2024

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