Tuesday, June 21, 2022

A Waking Sleeplessness

each day we enter into agreements with ourselves

and others as to how we are going to live our lives,

not really caring about the future but more concerned

with our experiences from the past...  as we are so

inclined not to repeat the less than positive while

planning for a positive outcome...  we enable our

minds to analyze and organize those events that

impacted us in such a way as to not be forgotten as

we overlook those events we have a difficult time

remembering...  as though they never happened at

all or we are trying to forget that they did...  each

day we look in the mirror for memories and each

day we wash away that which is no longer valid

in either of our consciousnesses even when one is

seldom aware of anything...  we rub elbows with

our friends and neighbors hoping to get a glimpse

at what we might have overlooked while sharing

only those minor thoughts about which we have

no opinion or interest in solving...  we carry our

lives around in suitcases that we purchased on

sale at the farmers market after removing the

produce wishing our hunger would return so we

could eat in case of famine...  daylight peers 

through our sunglasses, our eyes squint and close

to prevent sunburn but still, give us the sight 

needed to finish the deal and return to bed.

6 June 2022

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