Friday, September 23, 2022

Myrtle Beach Series - September 2022

Self Image
mirrors on the wall
mirrors on the floor
mirrors on the ceiling
mirrors on the doors
mirrors instead of windows
and in each one of them
I cannot see my reflection,
standing this way or that
it is quite disconcerting
to say the least especially
when I watch others enter
my perspective and their
reflection without fail is
there as they smile at 
themselves and receive 
a smile back but I am
not so fortunate and 
want to remove them all
since I have no idea what
I really look like anymore.

A Morning Mile
a giant pond with waves lays
to my left as I walk south along
the shoreline...  water pushes
by my feet as I sink and a
suction sound is make when my
foot is pulled free...  the wind
blows me along on my southern
route and the clouds keep the heat
at bay...  pass me by these walkers
do who traveled here to exercise,
even though they do not at home...
they spend their money here and
that increases prices for which 
the locals must cover...  my stride
has improved some even though
it is not like the way it was and
I wonder if this is the way that
it is always going to be for me...
sweat collects at my waist and
cools me off while completing
the distance of around a mile.

Misplaced Words
speckled white sand shows
ripples from wear and tear,
sea oats frow from the inside
where ants build tunnels and
and insects invade to escape
the heat of the sun...  signs 
adorn the dunes like jewelry
with warnings "Keep off" but
we see it as a suggestion
trampling through it at will,
if our destination is closer...
brown chairs with blue cloth
seats hold people underneath
multi-colored umbrellas,
situated at precise intervals
in a row that would impress
a military drill squad...  others
bring their own shelters and
seats setting them up behind
as is the rule...  attendants 
collect cash from those who
want to pay...  the crowd that
brings their own is dwindling
and those that bring cash say
they learned in from parents.

Uncertainty Corner
waves of complacency flow into
my mental southern shoreline
somewhere between the Outer Banks
and Myrtle Beach...  sun covered
couids have vanished in the noon day
sky while rain moves farther north
and south, leaving a valarian day
in its wake...  waves of misunderstandings
replace mental certainties while calm
cool transplants were order by the local
doctors...  children chase seagulls in
a desperate attempt to become their
friends since beer drinking parents are
digging holes in the sand looking for
a lost treasure...  a multitude of fish,
schooled in their aquatic acquariums
swim by the water's edge hoping to
gatch of glimpse of oiled tourists who
have spent too much time in their rooms;
older males with their prehistoric minds
walk by scratching their crotches, not
really caring who sees them...  the sun
hides itself in embarrassment sending
gusts of warm wind to cool things down,
larger seagulls delighted with the sloppy
eaters walk around without notice, policing
the areas as if privates in a new camp.

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