Thursday, September 22, 2022

Myrtle Beach Series - September 2022

my eyes are covered
with a glass that is
covered with mist
from the relentless
ocean in its pursuit
of the shoreline on
which people are
walking...  on which
people have walked
for decades, perhaps
centuries in the great
scheme of things,
covering our world
with its histories and
folklore...  we see the 
horizon is different
from the sky but the
sky seems to just sit
on top of it like a hat
too big for its head...
we marvel at the space
between here and there
and wish we were up
there somewhere,
anywhere but here.

Wave Rider

a good half mile or more but
not as far as the eyes cann see,
waves simultaneously crash
upon the shoreline as if ie were
indeed on long conintuous wave;
our imaginations rest on either
side of this wave as if it were
body surfing alongside, riding
its power into the dry sand...
momentarily, we pause to eat
and reflect and the wave we were
riding is no longer in our sights...
we rest our eyes on others, wondering
if they will remain close by and in
so doing miss the first wave's
cousin coming into the shore...
a perfect wave to ride we think if
we were in the water proper instead
of playing hide and seek with our
dilapidated imagination...   a new
found sense of comfort flows ass
the wind blows under our umbrella.

A Sun Day
afternoons bring out the sun
and the breeze as most people
stay undercover or in the water,
seagulls fight pidgeons for bits
of food tossed our by impolite
tourists who drive cars with
northern attitudes, northern
plates, and northern slang,
turning this southern beach
into an ethnic dumping ground
forcing out the old timers who
have been here for decades;
shirtless males and females frolic
in the sun while parents remain
in control by tying ropes around
their waists, holding the burnt
ends in their white hands...
bearded males with white hair
or shaved heads gaze at all the
big breasted females who strut
to get their dose of attention...
swarms of wives bend their big
butts over in my direction so I
turn my attention to the sky...
dogs on leashes pass by, having
already defecated elsewhere, stop
to greet fellow dogs on leashes
while others hides their beers from
the law passing in dune buggies.

Tomorrow is Today
the dirty water of the Atlantic
as far as one can see,
a pier that juts out from the beach
on stilts of at least thirty meters,
fishingf is allowed but no one
takes advantage of the offer,
surf boards sold in every beach store
but few seen in the water,
construction is now a familar sight
as new replaces the old,
grocery stores across from the beach
sell items for three times the price,
condos offer kitchens, eating areas and
living rooms in addition to a place
for several to sleep,
lifeguards remain through October, then
close down for the winter...  so, if you
return afterwards you bring your own,
mostly now you see the bodies of under thirty
but later its the obesity that reigns just
like the monarch in Great Britain,
no one walks in birthday suits as they are
no longer privates in the army...   still they
walk as if there is no tomorrow.

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