Monday, May 15, 2023


drop down windows offer instructions

close when not in use and sometimes

each line has side windows with more

instructions and more side windows

until one's frontal views are occupied;

it is the same with galaxies and solar

systems and planets and regions and

countries, provinces, and cities...

when each city is more closely viewed

one can see objects that are broken-down

into molecules, atoms, and particals...

whereupon particles are comprised of

subatomic particles and they are made

up of smaller particles and even smaller

particles until the smallest are vibrating

string of pure energy, randomly moving;

their movement are so misunderstood 

that some believe multiple dimensions

evolve from the various windows that

they may or may not create...  it is a

fantasy time of thought based entirely

upon imagination and creativity and

a little logic that revolves around 

mathematical complexities that may

or maynot satisfy the mental equation;

still, these windowverses open up all

around us creating more dimensions

that we can speculate in real time...

as time is the only constatnt moving

just as fast as light...  and now is a 

tad less than the time to blimk an eye.

May 5, 2023

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