Tuesday, July 25, 2023

More Rain

darkness lurks and lingers in the

shadows of an overcast sky...

slowly moving across our vision

being pushed by some unseen force

bringing us more precipitation

for which we never imagined...

rain...  rain...  and more rains

pours down on someone's horizon,

we shelter in place for the feat of it all,

casting lots to see who will venture

outside when it is all over...

darkness lurks and lingers in the

corners and crevices of the sky...

thunderstorms pass through the valley

on their way north to die...  and we

are left with the remnants, the threads

of damage done on it journey, as it

waves goodbye to all our neighbors;

darkness lurks and lingers in the

valley as the sun sets prematurely

on its way to the other side...  the side

where the rain has already died...

we imagine strangers on our backroads

who had stopped to take shelter...

wondering when and if they will ever leave,

we are immune to their negativity but

want them on their way...  before the

dawn of the new day and more rain.

July 17, 2023

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