Thursday, September 21, 2023

Myrtle Beach Series 2023 #3

Quiet Thoughts

amid the noise and clammer
of the ocean waves hitting the
sandy beach, I gaze out at
the vast expanse of water,
imagining who might have
stood where I am sitting and
looked out thousands of years
ago and wondered where it
all came from and where it
might be going...  the water
creeps up the sand and vanished;
dull green water against a pale
blue sky that somehow seems
to wrap forever around this
small body of land...  stretching
for miles on either side and
without interruptions...  what
manner of god would have
created such a land where it
all is endless except for the
land on which we all live?

12 Sept23

Dawn of Dawns

we begin each day with a yawn
before we extract ourselves from
the mattress on which we have
slept for the last eight hours...
and walk to the sliding glass door
separating inside from outside to
see if there is anything out there,
if the water is still attacking shorelines
and to our astonishment it is...
a vast body of water and a  vast
amount of sand pressed flat but
with a slight slope that prevents
the water from getting where it can;
a reassuring feeling creeps inward
like a snake crawling up a tree...
I recall the first time here and the
first time these images seen...
a morning spectacle on this side
of the world...  the ocean right
in front of me...  not pausing
from my presence...  not running
away from it either...  relentless...
uncompromising and consistent
it all that it does...  currents that
move this way and that from other
parts of the world...  making love
to the shoreline as if it were her
first time...  its emotions felt...
its sensuousness experienced just
by being close...  feelings taken
away and I feel drained as if I
had just had sex with myself...


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