Saturday, December 3, 2011

Beyond our Grasp

In the Mecca of time

and the distances we keep;

where space is confined

and time is fleeting;

Where a single touch

holds our purpose

leaving us complete;

yet, without discretion

longing for the wasted

energy left behind;

Where purpose, undefined

holds us in it own dimension

and muted cries fall

to the ground undisturbed,

and the carpets hold

more of us than we do

of each other, and the

winters, cruel and as harsh

as the news we hear,

force us as tired actors

to do one more show

for the restless public

who knows nothing

of those unmarked

distances and

unrecorded times;

yet, listens to the

same music only

played differently;

faceless people drive

empty and aimlessly

on unmarked streets and

highways, searching

for the same

purpose as we;

discarded, as do all

who abandon the

fragile existence they

maintain with the

reality of their dreams;

an external curse

worn like some protective

cloak preventing their

Albatross of feelings

from taking them

into a world from which

they see no escape.

September 1983

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