Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Three from 1977


Thoughts of time and space

and distances not kept

where space confined

and time was too short;

where a single touch

engulfed our purpose

leaving us complete,

yet without direction

satisfied and longing

for energy we left behind;

where purpose, undefined,

held us in its own

direction and muted

cries fell to the

ground undisturbed,

and the carpets held

more of us than

we did each other,

and the winters

were as harsh and cruel

as the news we heard,

and the music was

the same and the

tired actors agreed

to do one more show

for the public who

knew nothing of the

distances that were

not marked or the times

that were not recorded,

and the unmarked streets

held cars without people

driving aimlessly into nowhere.


No Escape                                                    

An external curse worn

like some protective

cloak, prevents the

albatrose of feelings

from taking us into

a world from which

we see no escape.



And, as the casual conversations

drifted like cigarette smoke

from one booth to the next,

isolated and unprotected,

my thoughts mixed and mingled

in an air of uncertainty

with talks of revivals and golf

while I remained outside the

boundaries of memories and

inside the confines of sleep.


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