Thursday, December 15, 2011

An Unavoidable Truth

The tired spirit of yesterday’s politicians

lays on the ground like a blanket of leaves

smothering the seedlings of tomorrow’s leaders;

The courage and strength of today’s youth is

kept dormant by the metal encased monuments

we have built for their pleasure;

Future cities of mindless being terrorize

the now captive, possessed beauties

we nurtured to remain unspoiled and pure;

Selfishly, we padded our back pockets

while we carelessly watched our neighbors

struggling to reach their level of incompetence;

Cautiously, we prohibited our system to adjust

to the general consciousness as we mass produced

and mass marketed our livelihoods;

United, we divided ourselves into special

interest groups who clamored like church

bells announcing the end of another week;

Sightless monsters feeding on discontent regurgitated

the rhetoric of the past as we marched on foreign

soils inflicting our less than equal determined wills;

The beauty of life crept into the privacy of

our homes like slithering serpents who’s

shedding skins became a family ritual;

Hopelessly, we anointed and purged

Oourselves of the ambiguous constraints

that defined and imprisoned our salvation;

Finally, a voice heard echoing through the

abandoned ruins of time as sympathetic vibrations

played on the hopes and aspirations of dreams;

The voice of mankind’s destruction was not heard

and fell silently to the ground, forming a new

foundation from which we might possibly build again.

February 1983

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