Saturday, February 7, 2015

Many Moons

embrace the seasons of life
with the same electrical energy
that flows through one's domicile,
as though you were a perfect
conductor in all its travels;
embrace the spirit of being
able to absorb life like plants
absorb the atmosphere and in
return give us beauty beyond
the imagination of a gifted artist;
embrace the world of sin and evil
as it teaches you what not to be
and pushes you in the opposite direction
if, and only if, you have the will
power to listen and run faster
than the last Olympic sprinter;
embrace the courage of your fathers
and your forefathers before them,
listening astutely to their advice
and the way their lives were led,
before it all got so convoluted and
complicated as we all became
victims of the truth as told by
all our novelists and lawyers.


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