Sunday, May 31, 2020

Nineteen Eighty-Four Series XX of XX

the web of uncertainty masks the fear
of a mother daughter reuniting
and affirms the faith,
sheltered, we stand naked
trembling, we turn towards each other,
desperately, our moments trace out the
overlays of our disparity
and we are honored
as our thoughts are burned
and immortality escapes our will,
nestled quietly in the dim lit
alleys of our sacred cities,
monuments stand erect
alone as we are but
not as desperate as we became.

January 22, 1984

within the gently flowing span of an evening
times rests quietly on the couch as we
share the moments that keep us apart
and contain the longing and the
passion that slips past us like the
wine whose spirit is set free
as each glass is poured;
within the context of mortality,
we tremble and melt into each other's
arms and briefly hold back reality
as we caress the softness of youth
and recapture the source of our
energy whose bottled potential
is conveyed by prescription only;
with the silent sounds, we musically
dance away our fears whose spirit is just
as limitless as our freedoms are short lived
and our movement are stilled by the
body heat that burns within our bodies
like smoke rising in a room forcing us
to fall victim to the fires of our desires.

March 12, 1984

inside the ramblings of lover's arguments
words abusively penetrate the sanctity
of compassion and fill the void between
emptiness and loneliness that rests in
fragile levels between loyalty and disrespect;
continuing the absurd patterns our lives
have taken to explore the depths of hatefulness,
are the vicious cycles of what we wearily
consider a relationship should admire and
yearn to abandon the regrets not tolerated.

March 12, 1984

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