Monday, June 1, 2020

A Baker's Dozen From 1988 - Page 1


each weekend she receives a
beating from her husband,
some worse than others and
each time she's able to hide
her bruises,  continuing to
remain for the security
of her small children.
April 1988


pain and pleasure applied
in a delicate balance
can be used to persuade
those who are borderline.
April 1988


were we to qualify for someone's love,
an opportunity would be made available
to better screen out all our bad traits.
April 1988


with each degree increases
of temperature, our spirits
also increase and depression
ends as quickly as it began.
April 1988


she always spoke freely until
she realized her life was being
measured on what was not said.
April 1988


she lived under the threat of
violence until her neighbors
called the police who took her
old man away and bail sent
him home to beat her again.
April 1988


in those days
beating a horse
was more cruel
than beating
one's wife.
April 1988


night fell with a heavy hand
across her face and tears like
rain washed away her virginity.


she was freer than her mother and
sought a husband who beat out
the demons like her father did.
April 1988


swirled into a collapse of will power,
I accept the attraction as fate and proceed
to enjoy my undesired predicament.
April 1988


my note written to you on Tuesday was
not answered by Friday and I  could not
rule you out until I knew what you thought.
April 1988


a lover half my age would
make her twenty, hardly
someone who would want
to give up their junior year.
April 1988


I wanted to move inside your love
but you kept looking for stains on
my shirts and kept finding them.
April 1988

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