Monday, February 28, 2022


we all wear today's clothes 
orderig new ones online
for tomorrow...  we all
change clothes daily as the
mood strikes what we wear,
and the music alters our
temperments while we reflect
upon the news in despair;
we wee nothing today nor
did we see anything yesterday
of any great merit and by
design we were silent and
somewhat forlorned, creeping
into place with our neighbors
who typically have very little
to say about anything...  we
dust off our crystal thoughts
that were hanging from the
ceiling, putting them in crates
for the postman who arrives
on our doorstep weekly to
remove the trash from our
minds...  and, for those who
those who cannot afford the
stamps, they hide in the cellars
of those of those who have
homes while the rest of us
migrate like birds, leaving
our baggage behind from one
season to the next...  just as
we have been told to do.

23 November 2021

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Changing Environments

a thought floats in
from the outside
on rays of sunshine
since the door
to my mind has been
previously opened
to the morning and
the beginning of a
brand new day;
the thought lays on
the hardwood floor
basking in the sun
as it warms itself
into maturity...
combined with others,
the thought becomes
a phrase, then a
concept that has a
life all of its own,
as it plays and reacts
with others...
already inside me...
no longer alone,
the thought matures
and ages, gradually
assuming the role of
the wise who have taken
shelter inside me for years...
and on the council, it
sits deciding what will
be as the days change in
the surrounding  but
quite natural environment.

23 November 2021

Saturday, February 26, 2022


waiting...  we are
for tomorrow...
today is not enough
only tomorrow...
and when it arrives
it is today...  and,
we wait for
another tomorrow...
tomorrow gives us what
today cannot as
today is just who
we are and not what
we may become...
waiting...  we are
for tomorrow...
and all the promises
that were made
when today failed
to respond...
today casts doubts
on tomorrow...
yet, it is what it is
and provides
what it does
when tomorrow
becomes today
and we continue
waiting for another
tomorrow that we know
will soon arrive.

23 November 2021

Friday, February 25, 2022

Creation Accepted

back and forth
our minds move
into the future
and to the past
return, seeing life
for all that it is,
in this moment...
toss and turn
we do each night
of our ponderings
as we visit and
revisit our memories,
keeping them in
sync with the relevent
aspects of time...
bending over to feel
the wrath of the past
while standing tall,
we embrace for the
unknow coming...
creatures of time
we are and
limited by the
dimensions in which
we live, accepting
the predetermination
of the universe that
we did not create.

22 November 2021

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Life's Amputation

moments pass through the
fllters of time, providing us
with the memories we hold
dear as we age...  and while
memories reveal both side
of the recollection, we hold
onto the side that best fits
the story we would like to
remember...  our imagination
fills in the gaps and over time
the story becomes embellished
as the teller becomes emboldened;
we reserve no rights to the
truth or to the reality of the day
as it no longer exists in either
space or time...  and yet,
we are certain it occured...
memories pass through the
filters of time, creating moments
and as they are relived they
are altered to appease the soul
and soften the hurt that results
from its recall...  we are at
our best when we do not
remember exactly that which
took place in the time before we
are here now...  nor do we care
if the accuracy if the memory
reminds us of an amputation of
life that we would like better
if it had remained in the past.

22 November 2021

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Turns of Time

a wheel turns and a cart moves
from one point to another and if
necessary its movements can be
retraced...  but when a world
turns it moves itself into a future
that has yet to be seen by all...
forward into time we move and
never backwards to retrace where
we have been, even when we can
no longer remember our past...
the past has disappeared into oblivion
and all that is left are the movements
of the recorded stars and their
relative positions in space...  and all
of this takes place in the time in 
which we all live...  a while turns
and time vanishes from our past
but not from our memores as we
recall certain events and activities
knowing they have been distorted...
and what we think we saw or
remember may not agree with what
others think they saw or remembered,
even though our paths never crossed;
our presence proves our past even
though unclear it may still all be,
as we sort through the days we have
experienced since our first breath
of life...  we see what is in front of us
and touch the wrinkles on our faces
and know that something has changed
even though we remember not what.

22 November 2021

Tuesday, February 22, 2022


an abandoned father sits
by the fire...  looking into
the flames wondering...
his family gone for good
and he is to blame...  his
actions dictated his course
no looking back did he do
and today...  he wonders if
regret should have been shown;
an abandoned father sits
by the fire...  and as he looks
into the flames of his life
sees a plethora of decisions
that could have been made
differently, but understanding
life as he does, he knows they
were all made that way for a 
reason that was justified;
an abandoned  father sits
by the fire...  alone with his
memories and misgivings,
speculating on his future as
he ponders his past and his
father and his father before 
him as the tradition was
passed down from father to
son and the rules of life seem
no longer to be applicable...
but the fire burns on as it 
always has and always will
and we are warmed by it as
we continue the ways that
lead to our random ponderings.

22 November 2021

Monday, February 21, 2022

Write About It

the day before the day before
was monday...  I believe...  or
was it wednesday...  I cannot
remember exactly...  and, what
does it really matter I tell myself
since I am no longer working...
it is just a day like all others, I
tell myself in a rational kind of
way...  I have no horse in that
race and yet it is about my life,
I am reminded by my wife who
keeps track of all my appointments;
I am at the mercy of the gods
who gave me my imagination and
who breathed life into me so I
could be what they wanted me
to be...  yet, I am unsure what 
that is or was nowadays as I
wander through the remnants of
my life always seeing myself in
a different light than from the
reality of who I really am...
it is the day before the day before
and I cannot remember what I
did...  however, I know I must have
done something or else I would
not be around to write about it,
even thought I cannot remember
why I really really ever want to.

19 November 2021

Sunday, February 20, 2022

A Heavy Frost

discovered this morning was
a heavy frost on the ground,
the first of this year, ending
as it began months ago...
herds of thoughts stampede
through my mind this morning
towards the clifss of no return,
reminding of the emptiness
that surrounds my life as I
ponder the futility of all my
remaining years...  and the
collapse of society happening all
around my lucid state-of-mind;
sun bursts through the window
of my front door like a home
invasions, reminding me that
it is not me in control...  as
each day is different from the
one before and the one before
that one as well...  cats on my
lap and cats on the table beside
me and cats drinking water from
a bowl, let me know that they
live here too...   and have a in
what is going to happen to me...
will they live or what, I wonder?
a blue shirt hangs over the chair
that should have been placed on
a hanger in the closet last night,
and as far as I know...  it might
have been there the day before.

19 November 2021

Saturday, February 19, 2022


a light rain falls gently down...
the ground welcomes its advances,
animals remain sequestered
inside their homes like humans,
the sun unwillingly hides behind
the clouds it allows to occupy
its sky for a while...  treeless leaves
lay in rain puddles...  their curvatures
formed at birth...  a few bales of straw
slow down the erosion in places;
overcast opinions linger on the
horizon of the day mediated  by
reoccuring thoughts of summer that
set records if one were to notice...
a light rain gently falls where none 
existed before...  or the day before
that one, preventing new grasses
from growing strong, yet all received
redemption today as the liquid falls.
spreading itself all around the ground;
pool covers are weighted down by
the rain but not enough to stress their
loads, protecting a vital interest that
will not be used again for six months...
and, in the valley there is concern...
concern that this urination from above
will not be enough to entice the
flowers to return in the spring nor the
tourists to all visit in the summer.

18 November 2021

Friday, February 18, 2022

Fields of Time

except for the turning of pages
there is silence...  as if life
had decided ot to exist for a
while and my thoughts sorted
themselves out in triplicate...
measuring a time reduction on
each one of them as they
descended down through my
my mind into a mental oblivion
referred to as latent memories;
we chase the tails of our
thoughts like crazed animals
hoping to catch that which
is fleeting and non-existent,
except for the time it spends
relocating itself in our all but
secure long term memories;
catering to that which we know
is untrue because it fits our
narrative of who we are or who
we are trying to be...  so we
adjust to life and life adjusts to
us temporarily as it passes
through the fields of time...  a
non-verbal state-of-mind that
exists between the dimensions
of reality through which we
attempt to mavigate successfully
during our brief, limited lifetimes.

18 November 2021

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Clouds Without Faces

clouds slowly pass by
faces in them I see
distorted and elongated
they appear...  out of
context they are today
and tomorrow if they
decide to remain...
blue skies aroud me
appear, warmer today
than yesterday and the
trend continues as it
makes light of all my
fall chores...  and when
the wasps awaken
as small as a bee are
whisked away like
mixing flour, water, and
eggs in a sky bowl...
heated over foods
prepared days before
provide the smells of my
appetite that lingers from
one day to the next until
all is eaten and more
preparation is needed...
we sit in chairs on porches
pondering without answers
reflecting without understanding
who's to blame for our aging;
tea leaves cover the bottoms
of our coffee cups...  the truth
is known to all that clouds 
without faces are really seen
as being no clouds at all.

17 November 2021

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Always Looking

a point-in-time arrives
without predetermination
when life sees us as their
enemy and retaliates to
remove us from the equation;
we respond in-kind and
the battle begins knowing
we are on the losing side...
life hunts us down and
prosecutes us like criminals;
we remain out-of-pocket
for as long as we can...
emptying the trash at night
instead in the light where
we can be seen by others who
will give up our identity in
a New York minute or two;
a point-in-time arrives when
we are no longer responsible
for ourselves or our actions
and our lives become just a
meaningless joke as we 
lay in our beds dying...
we are without thought
we are without consciousness
we are without a spirit as
it has already left our bodies;
our lives have been neutered
by our life and we remain
hopelessly and helplessly
tied to the past looking to
secure our points-of-origin.

16 November 2021

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Mental Exploration

a quiet morning relaxes the
imagination and I am free to
explore the nature of things
that interest me -  the cosmos...
its immense size and star like
qualities of hollywood...
like the particles that are so
tiny we can only imagine
their existence as they collectively
built all of our dimensions...
a relaxing morning fosters
thoughts and develops concepts
that actually become fascinating;
spacetime prevents backwards
travel but not thinking and these
conjectures take me into place
never have I visited before...
mornings are the springboards
of my mental activity that 
enables me to think as I do...
but I am checked at every street
corner by the knowledge I do
not have or possess inside the
chambers of my mind that is not
dissimilar to the chambers of
my heart...  motivating me forward
each and every day...  a cloudless
day always opens it door to me and
to my endless mental explorations.

15 November 2021

Monday, February 14, 2022

Blinding Memories

blinded by the morning light
through the window arriving,
my eyes see inward...  an
introspection of sorts that is
not what it really seems...
blinded by the morning memories
I see clearly when I do not see
at all into the past and reawaken
reoccurances of a time where
no longer I am that which I
used to be, forever changed;
blinded by current sight, I
focus on what is believed
not on what is or could have
been if the days had been
longer or shorter...   and I had 
been a little different than I was;
blinded by the time that has taken
me to get here and without the
clarity I once had, now is it
working against me as an attorney
of record who now can tell me
what it is or what it is not...
blinded by the ageless memories
that haunt me more than they are
able to remind, they now encase
me like loose fitting clothes...
and as the day unfolds the blinding
light is gone as are the reminders
that I am once again free to live
within the day as it really is now.

15 November 2021

Sunday, February 13, 2022

An Unknown Understanding

how unknown is the unknown
when today we know that which
we did not know yesterday?
I wonder as you do...  but, not
any longer than I have to...
life sprinkles each day upon us
in the light of our own awareness
which is unknow the day before...
we are constantly struggling to
understand the paradox of it all...
when our lives simply end;
our future is no longer known
or realized as we move into this
new phase of life that is unknown,
not knowing how to adjust or
if we really should...  life becomes
spiritual they say...  those who
have been there and we ride with
uncertainty on those waves of
consciousness...  we understand
not what it is nor do we care what
it is not...  we trust our instincts
to provide all that has been lost,
knowing it remains at the realm
of the unknown...  we prepare
for that which we are unprepared
for with the knowledge we have
yet to acquire...  we are thankful 
for the time we have been given
trying to have an understanding.

14 November 2021

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Water Fish

our separate worlds class
we are the unforgiven
sight leaves us wanting
we hide is caves of fantasy
reliving old memories
not realizing life has
moved on beyond us;
the noise of memories plays
loudly in our ears as we
relive the past...  never
wanting the future to catch
with us anymore than
it really has to...  we are
tail-gaters of the past, sitting
in abandoned flatbed trucks in
a graveyqrd of dead thoughts
on which our vision rests;
we are not that old yet but
we are old enough to move on
and embrace the life that
others left behind for us...
hand-me-down clothes that
fit uncomfortably well on our
enlarged bodies...  life prepares
us for death and our future
prepares us to leave the past
behind as it no longer impacts
what we do...  our separate
worlds clash, creating new
dimensions in which we live
like fish in a bowl of water.

14 November 2021

Friday, February 11, 2022

Moements Forward

the lamp of ages spins above
the coffee table like a whirling
Dervish spins around the floor
but the purple white vase is
without location change, remaining
its entire existence in one spot;
mesmerizing and illusive in its
task as it contantly rotates, oblivious
to those who stare with fascination
at its meaningless relentlessness,
who understand not its purpose
nor want to know all those details;
the lamp of ages twirls and twirls
around in an endless journey
of going nowhere in particular
except where it is...  above the table
and just barely as it seems to be
ever so stationary...  its actions
not associated with magnets or
electricity but perpetual motion
as soon as it left the ancient
kiln from when it emerged all
those thousands of years ago...
the lamp of ages guides our path
like a gyroscope...  its inner
workings hidden from our view
but its movements are true and
accurate with the deviations it
allows...  we are in harmony with
life and its movements forward.

9 November 2021

Thursday, February 10, 2022


a room full of breathable
air encircles me like a
visible evening darkness
floats around unnoticed;
a room full of furniture
up against the walls is
situated like statues line
the entrance to the Valley
of the Kings and Queens;
a monitor displays the
availability of programs
that can boggle the mind
with their illusions of
reality that flow from one
hour to the next similar to
Salmon moving upstream;
memories are non-existent,
fantasies supercede them all,
a makeshift  imagination
is worn on the face as if it
were some sort of alien
breathing device left behind
from their previous visits;
a room full of ideas stalks
the emptiness of our souls
every morning since birth...
we ignore it all because we
are too lazy not to, plucking
the vision from our eyes
when it fails to support the
conclusions that it needs to.

9 November 2021

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Staying Inside

darkness fills the outside
domain of life while light
shines inside from the
power of the source the
day before...  the source
we all take for granted as
simply inconsequentially
just being there...  we
nurture our own awareness
like a cat nurturs its own
instincts and unwillingness
to venture outside when 
it is too cold...  but does
not understand the nature
of those feelings...  believing
instead that its surrounding
darkness is the end for which
it waits or have been waiting;
outside keeps us inside and
inside keeps us safe from
ourselves when we have no 
need or reason not to trust
ourselves...  as we have done
befofre when there was no
darkeness...  only the light
prevailed...  and we wore
blindfolds when needed...
darkness fills our hearts
darkness fills our souls
darkness fills our bodies
but the light inside us all
sets us free...  as long as we
have no desire to go outside.

5 November 2021

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Conveniently Controlled

we understant not the
answers we seek but
the answers we don't
seek while we attempt
not to understand the
questions we don't want
to hear...  we live in
fear of the knowledge
we fail to grasp as it
begins to encircle our
lives and we are
conveniently controlled
like farmed Salmon whose
only purpose is to grow
into a certain size...  we
understand not what we
had accepted because it
was the thing to do...
leaving us empty...  in
the knowledge we were
told to believe...  we
cannnot forgive our
knowledge or our ignorance
when we still perceive
ourselves as insightful
victims of our own ignorance
and lazy thoughts...  we 
tend our mental gardens
with Prevegan because we
have been told that farmed
Salmon is not good to eat
with all its unhealthy 
components floating around
inside...  finding ourselves the
last ones to really understand.

5 November 2021

Monday, February 7, 2022


the fuzzy nature of life
penetrates my vision...
I see what everyone else
cannot see...  not because
they refuse to see but
because they cannot see...
their eyes and personalities
will not let them see...
they are prisoners of a
reality they themselves built
with their egos and thoughts
believing it would benefit
them alone...  when it
benefitted no one at all...
I see what the masses cannot
but do not feel rewarded or
special as it is a burden
from which I cannot escape;
my eyelids close around
false assumptions that
narrow minded intelligence
have made for us...  we have
become mental weapons
whose sole purpose in life
is to blame others who have
not yet become inflicted
with stupid...  we label it all
as white supremacy if it does
not agree with the fuzzy
situation we created here.

5 November 2021

Sunday, February 6, 2022


in separate places we live
but the same time zones
no longer apply...  we are
different but the same,
even our personalities have
changed as we are someone
new, wearing clothes that
are not the same styles and
involved in activities that
are not he same as before...
and what was once a sport
no longer exits here in our
little piece of this universe
that has become a parallel
community of sorts...
blocking out the present
from our past as it seems
a little different than before,
as are we...  changed into
something unusual to look at
and to perceive as we go
about our different lifestyles
with different people too...
and when we look at ourselves
now we see someone else
in our place, who thinks a 
little differently than we used
to think...  and when we get
close to each other, on of us
disappears from view, leaving
only a small residue of the
memory used to get us here.

4 November 2021

Saturday, February 5, 2022


oddly enough...   we live our
lives in quiet desperation,
hoping to find salvation with
a refurbished peace-of-mind,
we drive the back roads
to avoid tickets, bagging our
meals so we don't stop for
anything but gasoline...
we pee in empty water bottles
that we toss out the window
when passing open fields and
we eat fast foods in the city;
oddly enough...  our days
always seemed to be numbered
when out-of-pocket as if we
need work and what we cling
to is nothing more than an
global illusion of hunger...
we claim nothing, nor do we
offer anything to that which
we know to be true...  as truth
is always fleeting, just as
reality is always reassuring...
oddly enough...  we drink out
wine at breakfast and never
at llunch and since dinner is
always three courses, water
is the preferred method of
washing it all away so that it
does not remain inside too long.

3 Movermber 2021

Friday, February 4, 2022


the sun shines down on a 
cold ground as the rain finally
leaves us alone...  temperatures
hover below normal...  winter
clothes are removed from boxes
stored in attics or basements;
fires in fireplaces or higher
settings on furnaces become
the early and unexpected norm,
not usually occuring this early
in the end of the year...  and
as temperatures drop, we
wonder about moving farther
south to capture a sustained
warmth around which we 
would like to spend our years;
the sun shines down on a cold
ground and the frost kills what
little is left on its surfaces...
mowers are drained of gasoline
to protect their seals while
rakes and hand clippers finish
the annual round of trimming,
city trucks carry off the debris
when not patchintg the roads,
when not taking their Federal
holidays...  the sound of work
is silent in the valley...  all of us
are inside the warmth of our
homes including the animals.

3 November 2021

Thursday, February 3, 2022


frost lays on the ground
this morning...  the
temperatures plummet,
winter replaces fall,
clothes are unpacked early,
a woodstove no longer
provides our warmth or
our means to cook food...
indoor plumbing changed
that years ago and we
became more sophisticated,
cats lay on heated blankets
like dogs laying on wooden
porches in the summer heat,
trying to remember the recent
days when humidity could not
really be avoided...  but, better
than remaining inside...
short lived dreams are the
felinme's specialty as naps
occur throughout the day and
avoiding others is the only way
to prevent trips to the vet...
floor vacuums clean regardless
of the temperatures and hold 
their charges quite well...  it is
a new day in this land of
opportunity that does not change
its course of action just because
it is too cold for our comforts.

2 November 2021

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Something Special

eleven years we have
known each other,
going on twelve and
sometimes we are best
friends and sometimes
we are not even close,
but one would think
that by now, he would
have learned to trust
me more...  so, when
he suspects something
is up, he hides or finds
a place from which it is
not easy to retrieve him...
plus, if I make a move
in his direction, he darts
away to a more secure
location...  now that a
recent surgical day has
revealed perhaps he may
have only another year
or so...  perhaps not...
I find myself a little
distraught after hearing
this news and I fear this
time I will not get over
a pet's leaving so quickly,
especially since I am the
only one to which this pet
has been willing to bond.

1 Novermber 2021

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

A Siamese

on my lap a Siamese sits as his fur
is not enough to warm him up...
he know not the season nor the months
just if it warm or cold... but sometimes,
regardless of the weather, in my lap
he likes to sit...  perhaps, not because
it is so comfortable but because we have
a decade old friendship we share...  and,
from the very beginning of his tenure,
mine was the only face and body he saw
as he hid underneath the furniture...
on my lap a Siamese sits despite the
horrors though which I put him to have
a tumor from his tail removed as well as
some teeth that were no longer sound...
and for two days a bandage around his tail
remained until he pulled it off...  as is the
nature of these species, I am told...
on my lap a Siamese sits and soon he will
stretch out his body as if lying in the sun,
remaining in that position undisturbed by
all the sounds around him that would
have never happened when he was young
and suspicious of everything...  althought,
that suspicion has never really left him,
remaining as a faithful companion when
in the presence of humans who he has
learned not to trust very much...  he
lives within the framework of his own
fears but all I know is that I am and will
always be his loving and caring friend.

1 November 2021