Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Blowing Through

unkind is the wind that blows through
the valley of the dead, those unknown
soldiers who risked their lives on the
battlefields of someone else's courage,
those men and women, both young and
old who sacrificed their lives so others
could piss on their achievements...
we live in an uncivilized world where
were lives are thrown away like table
scraps so other goals can be achieved
and when they are no one but the wind
has the decency to pay their respects;
in the graveyards, one after another,
bodies are stacked on top of each other
since space for the dead is limited and
must be allocated for growth and migrants
as their illegal status makes it all the more
necessary to ignore the dead who at one
time or another had been given the task
to guard our borders with their lives...
now, under the ground they are and no
one knows their names nor cares...
unkind is the wind that blows through
the valley of the dead, in search of the
innocent buried there by mistake.

March 4, 2024

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