Monday, March 11, 2024

Sky Tears Falling

the day unfolds gracefully with a
hearty morning sun, followed by a
gentle afternoon rain...  clouds
appeared out of nowhere, just like
a summer shower and we stood
underneath n evergreen to keep
the change in weather from soaking
us through to the bone...   looking
back on the morning, we wish we
had spent more time outside in 
one of our foolish daydreams
rather than remaining inside - 
our faces buried in a computer
screen tidying up a blog post or
two before venturing out into 
the fresh air...  it was the kind of
morning that encouraged us to
lay on the ground, looking up at
sky, imaging from whence we 
came and why here instead of
somewhere else in the vast space
we call the universe...  and so we
arrived at our places just moments
before tears from the sky fell on
our heads and the fantasy we might
have had was instantly replaced with
the stark reality of trying to stay dry.

March 3, 2024

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