Saturday, March 16, 2024

Outside In

every other day, I wash off yesterday's memories

as new ones encircle my body as if I had been

rolling around in the sand on some lonely patch

of beach while watching the waves assault the

innocent shoreline as if engaged in some kind

of relentless battle against the two genders...

the past is an innocent prelude for the future 

with the present portrayed as a baseless and

meaningless transition...  playing its role each

moment with total disregard for whatever has

happened before or will happen in the future;

from birth to death we play our role without

the slightest regard as to why as if living in a

state of permanent unconsciousness in a life

that is consciously making choices, appearing

to take risks in a haphazard manner, believing

that tomorrow may never arrive in time to save

them from themselves...  like a homeless child

moving around from one foster home to another

hoping to find true meaning and true purpose.

March 9, 2024

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