Sunday, January 31, 2021

FROM 1986 - April - page 3

a leaf falls
like lines on a
drafting board,
and the cute one
belong to another
forgotten relic
passed downstream
towards the role
and the expected

Prolonged Feelings
curiously we abandon
our nocturnal habits
like caged animals
muted and deaf;
we ride long boats
to the shore,
tireless in our efforts
to restrict,
to be free again,
to manipulate our
self-fulfilling prophesies,
prolonged feelings
disguised in a tempest
of contradictions
and night maneuvers 
bourn into the 
right circumstances,
the right situation,
analyzing our frequencies
by irregular disruptions.

Carelessly Thinking
in the middle of the street
we stand amidst traffic,
daring the motorcar
without caps
without fancy clothes
and the roaring crowds;
only noises of the road
scamper past our spot,
our private location,
and the charging vehicles
measures our distance,
our predictable foolish behavior,
our carelessly intertwined thoughts,
shall we despair?
glances registered with the
boards of health,
the departments of
social services
finally fall prey to our mental health
or home health as it were...
and our disciples move away as
we persist to play roulette
with the passing motorcars.

A Survival Kit
left in a wilderness of forgotten dreams,
like a preamble of uncertainty,
we train ourselves to witness each other's 
salvation and presupposed courage as
our lives run parallel courses and
our our doorsteps --  under the doormat --  
a key...
the rain falls undisturbed...  
unprovoked...  relentless...
a deluge of thoughts on our lives, 
and the key rusts a little
more with each passing winter;
our lives re-adjust like re-tooled machines
while our warranties replace only parts
like a no frills survival kit...  a box of band aid
like fixes with more questions than answers;
vicariously we live in our wilderness of dreams
with uncertainties lining the entrance
where the creeping ivy used to grow in
our house of usher appearance...
our domain hidden from the neighbors
and in desperation from each other.

the problems live on
continue and we escape 
into mutual liabilities,
strengthened by our losses
regrouped around habits
of routine and a simple
natural course of action;
not delayed out of emotions
but rearranged in a not
cooperative understanding.

Caring Survived
in the hours of the morning light,
I awake...  exchanging my thoughts
with my delayed imaginations;
your memories drift down
make believe currents on the
rivers of my consciousness;
I hold your day dreams close as
they become blurred visions of sins
and wonder if our caring 
moored to a sinking pier, can survive

Saturday, January 30, 2021

FROM 1986 - April - page 2

lines of written
words hang just
just on the tongue's tip,
refusing to be formed
and the printer's ink
will stay dry another day.

Tied Together
routinely developed from the ordinary
the usual order of things,
we traverse the border of our bonds,
mistrust places us wandering for the
courage to believe not to give up,
tied inextricably together forever
lengthening the process,
predetermining our lives,
following like a tearproof glue.

Betrayed Sorrows
back into the past, 
for lost innocence,
back into the years
when the lines
on her face were
only imagined,
through a gentle
her desires burned
and she betrayed
the cries of sorrow
held behind a 
tears hemorrhaged
inside her body
and for years
she held them back,
in the sweat of love
they tossed and turned
like ideal playmates.

At the Crossroads
at the corner of Church and Overbrook,
lives drift through common circles,
each preparing their legacy
each exchanging brief moments with each other;
at the crossroads, travelers meet
sharing a time filled with old stories,
mellowed by their retelling
illuminate by the shadows of hidden lives.

Without Regrets
grouped along in a line
inside out on either side,
behind the curtain calls,
a few, their talents returned
displayed in volumes
without regrets
poised and fluid...
responded and like butterflies
danced gentle...
danced serene..
fluttering on the wind,
riding casual currents,
balanced on irregular harmonies
from the ordinary,
simple and direct;
the years take their toll
youth is loaned out to others
whose normal lives will survive
the interruptions...
the disappointments...

Daily Choices
sheltered fragments hold
isolated pieces of
instant loneliness like
so many quick services,
moments turned upside down,
our lives in between evenings
separate and closing around
unnatural betrayals...
Day choices preclude realignment
and our last chance shop
is closed for the weekend
towards each other we turn
becoming embittered gladiators
that never seem to lose.

Friday, January 29, 2021

FROM 1986 - April - page 1

once inside we hide behind
the cross currents of sleep,
and the mind's dreams shift
into quiet disclosures...
around the circle,
lines are drawn,
our imaginations,
carved from our thoughts 
by felt tip markers,
drifts and sifts through
our daily rubble,
like acts of a play;
we build walls of confusion
to prevent the intrusion
of reality and the reshaped
tomorrows it creates...
silent rings of the bell
harmonize in our consciousness,
pairs move through the evening
as I remain alone and
rejection lays in my pocket
like all my unspent change.

Circles and Colors
inside the window glass
prism walls an eyepiece,
stalks the hunter overcome by choice,
outside observed from our illusion,
an interpretation carefully
and forever forming
constantly shrinking circles;
our choices bent like refracted light,
colors of the rainbow seen,
sometimes clearly or not,
fooled by our patience...  or not,
by our own choice to be,
we become seeking shelter
from inside the window glass.

Love Lost
like the gas in a helium balloon
our anger releases slowly,
allows us to perpetuate,
to continue our secure routine;
our lives follow an up and down path,
our highs...  gradually at first...  but,
now securely overcome by our lows;
depression seeks us out with every
point of difficulty a struggle,
you against me...
my point against yours...
who goes first?
who gives in?
only the bed chamber shares our needs
a dependence of one,
independence for the other,
our love lost,
our friendship buried in disagreement ,
we continue to remain out of
mutual disgust and contempt,
like our parents...
bonds once sealed remain forever.

Opposite Sides
written down in the mind's library of memories,
recorded for postponed use when violence is
transcribed into a bath of verbal, angry comments,
we search the racks for for truths in some
half bait illusive fashion
more for our own wandering sanity than
for resolution as if de-involvement was
the only label we needed to read;
on opposing sides of the line we stand entrenched,
words flow from the same volume,
each new editing receives a copyright,
and the fees are recorded in our ledgers;
voluntarily, our involuntary responses become habit
forming patterns and reflexes each with it own
set of rules...  avoiding what we appear to want.

Tomorrow's Plans
like a snowball moving downhill,
our lives accelerate each new wrinkle,
grey hair and aching muscle,
each new pound...  loss of memory,
and out-of-breath movement we take;
we plan tomorrow for changes
for resolutions and to make better failures, yet
all our tomorrows become today's promises.

An Afternoon Sun
a casual trail
winds its lingering
path down under
the bridge,
under the sunlight
off the hill,
past the tree broker
and the parlor where
an afternoon sun warms,
and our thoughts
forever remain imprisoned
behind our eyes,
inside our minds down deep,
hidden away in a dark pit
like childhood dreams formed
our personalities.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

FROM 1986 - May - page 5

Standing In Between
one stood in between circumstantial values
and leaning towards unrespected virtues,
a voice calls us by name and we listen
amazed by the strength of their convictions,
we look for possibilities but our modest
attempt remains unnoticed, yet we
hopefully retain the spirit of a solemn
grey sky before an inevitable rain,
we learn by forgetting to remember the
important and the unusual is imprinted
like gossip on those who had betrayed us,
we are divided by limited participation,
one stood in between waiting for the
comet's return and simply leaving.

our plans floated like ice cubes
in everything we drank,
our dreams became safety nets
for what we perceived as truth,
our security, hidden by physical dependence
overcame the turmoil within our grasp,
the dream peddler pronounced our vows
for better or worse and we agreed.

Held Together
we reside within the uncomfortable
security of mistrust...  happiness is
pretended feelings we packed away
years ago once we outgrew our clothes,
our personalities, tanned by the sunshine
of our earlier years are now bleached out,
dried and cracked...  held together in a
loosely woven thin thread of commitments;
we tolerate the sheltered refuge while
finishing much needed landscaping,
we touch but don't feel...
we look but don't see...
we listen but don't hear...
we kiss without sensuality...
we love without passion...
we hate without regrets...
we hurt without remorse...
in our penalties we discovered a new
suffering...  prolonged and agonizing...
like peeling away the flesh...
only an inch at a time.
Our Future
a clock
on the wall,
ticks away
the time and we
allow it to pass
and we rapporte
to define
comments spoken
or written
take away our
ending up with
rainy day
a complete
but harmless

Tear Soaked
sooner or later out
footsteps trace the
path so many have
walked before,
transparent ambiguities
soaked by tears,
cling to our revival
like a post hypnotic
torn nerves heal like
old muscles and the
in-patient's virtues
tested and rested
and finally relaxed.

Continuing Along
wrapped inside around and
in between the madness
somewhere there's a loss,
the stranger at the wedding
followed years after...
the fire starter without assistance
burned out all our desire...
we never listened to Bach
or to the years not scored,
continuing along like we always do
following the line of least resistance.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

FROM 1986 - May - page 4

Dark Heavens
out from the darkness
comes light and
space is created around
which life evolves
and re-evolves,
from which harmony
and continuity survives
in line, form, and shape,
into which nature's
example is reflected,
connecting to the heavens
by simplicity and balance
of theme and discipline,
opposition grows from
compulsive similarities
of irregular movement
perpetrating its own
existence and its own
reality...   uniformity
outgrew all of its
replicated parts.

in multiples of five they pass
four times this year,
in multiples of four we have lived
four times together.
a patient yardstick to measure
our persistence of the latter
and our your with the former,
historical landmarks, a
numerical ageless ordering of
our lives and the sculpted landscape
whose seasonal changes arrive
in regular rhythms unsyncopated
beats that we count over and over
like the rise and falling moons.

On Being Observed
her legs... long and slender
straddle an adventure,
her eyes...  alive and bright
watch his movements from
a corner vantage point,
her mouth smiles against his
frown and off in a third direction
they both look in amazement,
the encounter approaches its end
with her leaving one way
and he leaving another and their
casual observer wonders why.

Our Secret
few noticed their isolation inside
weeping for us before we could be
participants bold and alive,
across the barrier of regrets, we
tumble slowly...  carefully...
exploring the options of what we
knew would be and the consequences
of our unanimous selection,
our addiction followed us from one
day to the next until the outcome
for us was decided in a pastel array
of passion as if one chapter in our
lives have obviously been omitted,
we were protective of our secret,
guarding it well until the balance
of our feelings fell and their sensations
became inevitable and unescapable,
devouring our bodies without
guilt or loss...  without remorse...
we became the symptom of our love
with the cure only in our departure.

Shadows Cast
we separate every weekend,
a hundred times by now,
a divorce never completed,
physical and mental...
sexually reversed...   a
syndrome of rehearsed shadows
cast across our faces divide
our split personalities into
quarters just as easily spent,
contemplation serves the 
short term after all else fails.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

FROM 1986 - May - page 3

The Logic of the Day
at the bottom
of a pit
with all hope
diminished into
a lonely evening
with lonely words,
and expectations
with one who once
inside causes the
isolation to stick
like freezer burn,
at the end we
torment because there
is no other way
no other conclusion
no other purpose to justify;

we are our own misery,
we burn inside out
the hearts which we
gave at Valentine's
and became selfish
with out hatred
our bitterness consumed
our energy until like
The Hunger Artist
we starved ourselves;

our emotions torn and
beaten became worthless,
we looked at each other's
contempt and spit
at the warning,
its message went unheeded
our lies burned our eyes shut,
our flesh crawled in the
decay of summer garments,
we died long ago from our
polluted attitude and used
needs to destroy feelings;

our control of hate controlled us,
our pawn-like behavior
went unnoticed,
undetected...  until
there was nothing left to hate
but our complacency;
everything was wrong and
we perpetuated that indifference,
we thrived from the energy
release of each other's anger,
our anger became the only
thing left to feel...   and we
needed it like two lovers
needed each other's love...
it became the only thing
between us --  our only connection,
holding us together;

our love was displayed
through mutual hatred
where love and hate
(opposite sides of a coin)
ended up becoming the
same sides of opposite coins;

bitterness caused our
attraction to others,
anything that would avoid,
we achieved complete harmony
of isolation without anything
or anyone --  void of feelings,
detached from reality watching
other enjoy what we could not,
resenting their freedom
and ability to be happy;

the essence of life oozed out
from our scars until hollowness
filled by the fumes of our fires,
became lifeless...
forms wandering through the
subconscious world of fantasy,
a prolonged satanic madness
invading the soft spaces 
of our mind like rot in an
over-ripe piece of fruit;

we journeyed backwards
seeing...  --   tasting...
feeling what we were before
mindless creature operating
on deprived instincts,
behaviors wild and untamed,
taking evolution out of its
predetermined will and back
into involuntary responses,
and the evil suffocated evil
until existence (as we know it)
was no more...  and we
transcended life and became
the end of the beginning like
the conclusion of a meal
without family or friends,
and like the circle once completed
has no origin --  it's just there,
there to be observed
there to be admired
in its continuance until it
become the teacher...
and, in its simplicity conveys
unity of rational thought and the
logic of the day overwhelms.

Monday, January 25, 2021

FROM 1986 - May - page 2

faces in the night
peer out from behind
abandoned lights...
one's daydreams walk
safely down sidewalks...
eerie sounds hear their
approach from behind...
our lives become transposed
illusions of forgetfulness
of imagined realities...
night bended light
shadows of the day
a haze of colors
muted with greys
still and soft overtones
complicates our confusion
and the day begins
once again without you...

An Excursion
past fields, farms, and homes
through valleys and hills
alongside graveyards of
old forgotten men,
into cities and out again
past hotels and motels
from our future he rides
past our past and beyond
is the man on the red bicycle
wearing a shiny red top hat.

early this morning, our 
lives woke in despair,
a faint remembrance
encouraged lightly,
your dressing gown,
loosely hung like an 
unwrapped present from
your white shoulders,
tensions held us tightly
as once we were oh so
happy and so resolved.

An Excerpt
a gentle breeze blows
through the trees,
an afternoon sunset hovers,
only momentarily
on our horizon...
two people seek out
each other's obligations
and responsibilities
while all else ceases.

before the evening's
eyelids close for the day,
we sit with coffee and
conversation erases
all of our doubts,
we dance homewards
birds fly south
and the ornamental
music box you carry
plays the news.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

FROM 1986 - May - page 1

within the autumn colors
fenceposts and bushes
around us emerge,
like formidable partners,
the rain effects each,
one positively
one negatively
together --  year after year
one growing
one aging
one with shades of green
one with splinters
but only one has roses.

our paths differ in their
construction, yet
the system defaults
a coded re-entry
displayed in dramatic
characters to
sort and resort and
file in a safe place;
we are recipients of a
programmed life
edited and deleted,
statements of user
significance rattle our
cages and we no longer
fold, staple, or mutilate
to disrupt...
we are a programmed
language of machine tongues
painted on a screen in
short strokes listed
in horizontal bars;
we work from within the
straight jacket of uniformity,
reporting to an analyst
who interprets, manipulates,
and overrides the system,
our paths differ in their
construction yet someone
always pulls the plug.

The Puzzle
we surrender moments
at a glance,
brightness fades...
and the back walks
of a gentle consciousness
out of reach, a goal 
maintains its distance,
its longing to be captured
its survival left in pieces
its talents are fitted together
like a jigsaw puzzle.

in the distance
she sits
her past hidden
in deliberate isolation,
her day begins and ends
by her own design, 
buried in the distance
of her lost past,
she sits unencumbered
her persistence wills
her frail survival,
a growth without
without intervention.

Once Upon A Time
just a handful of thoughts
jumbled and disorganized,
in single file remain in
my morning memories,
vividly detailed, I
remember you...
soft, smooth, and gentle,
laying in the open clearing
of my thoughts where
imagination and reality
collide curiously together,
wandering perceptions
of truth and what it may
or may not be...  all in a
surreal reflective solitude.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

FROM 1986 - June - page 2

Slender Grace
fourteen years tall she stands
gifted and talented
in front of me she grows
and...  I missed it;
which part grew first?
I away from her or
she away from me?
a parent label I wear
in my lapel,
but really should I?
all the things we
should have done together
and...  I missed it.
passed on and learned
a complete heritage;
I should have taken
of accomplishments,
well...  maybe not.
When did we laugh or cry
or even talk?

temperature adjusts our dispositions
and aggressive females who resent
male supervision, misunderstand
their rolls when braless and open-minded
they long for their own control,
their own jurisdictions;
contrite, they foster discontent,
disillusionment and discord seen as
multi-colored versions of their own shifts
in emotional moods, temperaments
brought about by years of frustration.

waiting patiently
for a call or a word,
behind distance
a natural barrier,
feelings today are written
hours constrain loyalty,
circles constrict
into smaller variations
of our shallow past.

Between Us
between us we embrace a fantasy,
if I were to...   would you?
if you were to...   would I?
your glow stuffed inside a wooden box,
if it could only last as long as a summer tan,
between us we embrace precious feelings,
between us we feel the pain.

Written Down Today
we have written out our future in 
poetic lines of discarded sentiments,
we sit in closet chairs of blameless guilt
woven inside the mind's spirit of selfishness,
rude and vulnerable our persistence grows;

all the words have ended up at the bottom,
never used again,
never rearranged and I live
without a dictionary --  without vocabulary,
only words I knew as a child come to mind;

we are walking
feeling dead,
like a Voodoo spell
absorbed by the dullness
in each other's eyes,
a lackluster spirit
and semi-permanent;

a final version of our lives is written as 
we talk at each other in critical overtones,
carefully reckless with our feelings,
allocations of love emerge like the cold
sweat of sickness on a warm summer day;

we continue to administer
small doses of pride,
our will is strengthened
layered with false illusions
as youth dissipates in the darkness,
we age, not so easily sometimes,
fretting about what is beyond our reach,
we sleep in separate beds of
our own limited expectations;

pot-bellied old men
white haired and tired,
women whose age is tucked
inside smaller sizes share
another day --  another cup of tea
and all of yesterday's propositions;

our flight towards a beacon of indifference
spreads like a grass fire, peculiar in its
shape and size and appearance...
we end as we begin...  without dignity.

Cycle of Thoughts
the old man --  his white hair neatly combed
for his age walks sideways now,
limps from his war wounds and the stories
he has never forgotten to tell,
four twenties and fifteen years ago,
his crime gave birth to a new decade and
in less than ten, the nation - his nation's youth
found in their selves the spirit of a new country;
his eyes, sunk deeply in his boney face
hold back the tears of our injustices,
of slavery...
of wars...
of depressions...
of oppression...  and,
of the technology
that robbed us all of our human dignity;
the old man's words run on and are slurred
coming from the bottom of his throat
as if there are reluctantly spoken,
preferring not to be heard;
the old man sits in unapproachable isolation,
his peers in their senior groups find comfort,
behind his corner table he sits and
under his wrinkled skin of his arms
rests the document...
his life in words --  as best as he can remember,
and each day he writes something new,
a painstaking --  penetrating
look into the unlocking of his past,
one day at a time, he writes
scribbling and erasing,
making sure of accuracy...
each day he writes a little slower than the day before
as his past catches up to him and his present
and each day a new day is always added
never completing the
full cycle of his thoughts.

Friday, January 22, 2021

FROM 1986 - June - page 1

our day begins
in soft explosions
of words
and glances,
of expressions
and controlled processes;
in front of some
behind others,
we search in
mental corridors
for verbal phantoms
of self-reliance
and self-proclaimed
feasts upon our souls;
we live with the
perils of our own
opportunities and
the excitement of
our disappointments.

what does she do to you?
she seems naturally confident
a mystery with complexities
she offers...
the worlds she conquers
are not hers to give, yet,
she conveys a casual disposition;
her pretense lingers
in your sight,
she delays her systemized
feelings on her punctual nature
as it overlaps with an
indecisive spirit;
she knows her image is
reflected in the imagination
of others and her beauty
can never be touched;
sorrow rolls down her cheeks
at night when she sleeps
with her own lonely feelings.

Lost and Found
for the future we live
from the present we give
and from the past we
take to a lost and found;
the evening's complain
most when away...  a
chill in the air on a day
like any other returns
to the edge of an abyss
and of sightless sound.

we turn ourselves inward
as the pressures force us
against all the odds...
the outcome is inevitable
a conclusion in sync
with time and space...

and the systematic rhythms funnel change,
interpreting transformation with random selection,
a controlled process  --  a course on curved routines
with litmus tests, bending in different directions
across a straw covered wild west frontier;\

and a narrow border inside
our imagination between
what's right and what's wrong,
littered with yesterday's
discoveries crisscrossing 
through mind channels...
an endless journey of motion
seldom seen overlapping with
its previous course until the
beginning creates new 
and better transformations.

her pride falls inside the
pages of an unfinished novel,
read more than her shared feelings,
blaming herself but continuing
becoming more consumed with
written fantasy than with herself.

on the dotted line
she signed,
our lives together
giving up
each other's security;
a syndrome of delayed stress,
intimate details,
disclosures of trust,
and broken trust;
grey hairs flourish
in troubled times,
disappointments counted
by the years of our child,
an end of friendship,
romance and love;
restrictions bond careless infidelities
ritualistic with remorse
free from altercations
perfect and simple.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

FROM 1986 - July - page 1

The Moth
up and down
they flap,
tiny pockets of
wind waves
on either side of
a tiny body,
off the window
ledge it falls
defeated by an

Life Together
we live in separate worlds
set firmly against the center
points of our peculiarities,
we routinely argue and
offer isolated looks at
each other's temperaments,
patience rules our courage.

she smiles and her eyes float
a message in my direction,
moist lips...  tantalizing
in their appearance,
slight parted
sensuously inviting
pull at me,
mentally disrobing my
imagination next to her lying.

and the rain falls
a mysterious reunion,
the ground swims
in its memory
opening its appetite.

our tired eyes
like a clown's
are painted on,
kept in a box
on the shelf,
a magical pretense
in its implications,
a neutral,
safe side 
of awareness.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

FROM 1986 - August - page 2

Without Purpose
trapped within an image
a secret fountain of knowledge
she seeks her own level,
a painted dreamscape
her compassion swells inside her morning
she searches aimlessly
a lost innocence returns momentarily
standing absorbed in her routine
the day begins its complexion
a communion felt without purpose.

Natural Instincts
we hold onto our fragile existence
with excuses and postponements,
we are delivered like the mail,
our parts form completeness and
between visits twice searching for
an open field like birds of prey,
scalded by our own heat
that deep down inside us burns,
an intuitive approach 
goes full spectrum with lots
of natural instincts blended
in and among truth and warmth,
southern winds and backwards glances
yield to nature's apparent disbelief,
an uncontrolled response is offered.

beside the full length image of our
passions we stand as onlookers,
carefully protecting our exposure
and the first move to be taken,
small talk assigns our curiosities
awareness prevails on our sense of belonging,
we reach out for mutual aspects of
our hesitant attraction while guarding the
sanctity of the horizon from which we arrived.

Arranged Interpretations
we are arranged uniquely
willingly separated by categories,
dress, speech, likes and dislikes...
our moral obligation 
confused and reused by our friends.

we are interpretations of another's beliefs
guided by our moral acclaim of dignity,
we are not right, wrong, or indifferent,
we are free from speech and words that
tend to always mean more than they say.

Rain Whispers
rain begins and ends our conversation
gentle again the windows it drips down
streaking through the beads that reappear,
on the glass quietly it drops like whispers
and we sit inside, dry, and mesmerized
by its persistence unaware of the unaware
that the rain has violated our solitude.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

FROM 1986 - August - page 1

he looks at the parched soil intently
crumbling, falling through his fingers
like grains of sand in an hour glass,
around his lean countenance a sea of
corn stands three foot tall and the
year was barely nineteen eighty-six.

Photographs on the wall bleached and faded
bent by the years and tinted, recall soda
fountains, malts, outgrown clothes, and
buildings too worn out for their repairs,
streams and creeks whose waters once flowed
through wooded areas now harvested to
build our dream homes of brick and stone.

behind the framed glass, watercolors calmly
recapture our youth and economies of scale
provided cheap loans with scarce monies,
wall street bankers found new ways to keep
their fingers discreetly in everyone's pockets.

and as our years cease to be marked
off by discernable ends and beginnings,
they flow from one season to the next
like herded sheep bound together by
mutual and unforgivable incriminations.

when did we grow so old 
that the misfortunes  of others 
seemed so horrible to hear?

we was just coming out of Cherokee
all the bottles was thrown in the back
of the truck when all of a sudden like,
I heard this whoopin' 'n' ahollerin'
and I just knew we was in fur trouble;
the bottles they begin commencin'
to breaking and all that precious liquid
just flowed right out the back...  and I 
seen my face in the rearview and some
kind of gawd awful expression I looked.

out the window
and through the glass
a world of strangers I see;
new generations
changed with their
influence and opinions;
souls who belong to each other
and those who do not
seem to belong to anyone at all;
shared qualities whose
differences radiate enchantments
for those who participate.

in an alluring light quietly she sits
a balance soft and sensitive
in harmony with only herself,
spun silk falls around her shoulders
like a habit of darkness,
she hears with her eyes 
her heart feels her pulse and
the warmth of the wind sweeps
oh so casually about her face.

down through an emotional valley of
insecurity like flailing with a topsail torn, 
we drift unattached in our casually held 
ship of beliefs adorned with faint relics
of our turbulent past casting sunless
shadows resting under an imaginary bridge,
where water flows in a persistent trickle,
a calming motion of tranquility
a forgetful cleansing surrogate.