Friday, January 1, 2021

FROM 1986 - December - page 1

Lingering Tomorrow
the sun drops
on the roof like
unheard rain;
a blessing from
the real thing;
all the leaves
have blown free
from their branches
onto a neighbor's yard;
for now, a
season concentrates
its efforts on us, a
slow burning fire
flickers across 
our faces placing
us behind the bars of
warmth.  we 
are drawn together
the future hesitates
to be part of
our conversation
although tomorrow
lingers on the
edge of today.

defined by the
categories in which
we participate,
fortunes are made
not from our back
pockets nor from
our inherent survival
with others, but
from an understanding
of ourselves.

Shared Adversity
once it was easy
an act of balancing,
carefully executed;
our lives touched
each other like the ocean
returning to the shore;
constant and everyone
played on our beaches
as if it was their backyard;
once it was easy to belong
but only briefly;
four years in a foreign land
frozen in the tropic heat
to a common cause, as
factory workers pulling together
in support of shared adversity;
once in was easy
to be without direction,
life's puppet without strings,
dangling on interests
in several areas,
seemingly committed... a
franchise temporarily
opened for business;
once it was easy to
share one's superficial feelings,
tied down by apron strings
made it impossible to predict
an annual forecast,
and the years passed by 
as fleeting as the birds
migrating south;
once it was easy
to replace purpose
like worn-out clothes;
once it was easy
just to be... but
no more.

an umbrella day brings
its own resolutions,
predictable, when staying
in bed is the only reasonable
thing to do since
the sun never made it
to our side last night and
we are left with a day
of dull shadows;
can we jump ship and swim
to another shore?
are we the victims of our
own circumstances?
a foregone conclusion
in some parts but not theses 
parts...  not today;
our blessings were seasonal
and for the most part dry,
most peculiar for this 
time of year since a
rainy day brings its own
isolation with determination
left for the sunshine.

Tuesday's Rain
time moves like twin caterpillars
arching their backs in opposition 
to actually move ahead some;
Tuesday's rain collects in reservoirs
feeding two trees side-by-side standing
their foliage contrasting
one dying, one surviving
the former last was planted;
and, the brothers competed daily
yet neither was cut for firewood
until the drought scorched their integrity,
a reprieve came in the form of a mild winter.

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