Tuesday, January 26, 2021

FROM 1986 - May - page 3

The Logic of the Day
at the bottom
of a pit
with all hope
diminished into
a lonely evening
with lonely words,
and expectations
with one who once
inside causes the
isolation to stick
like freezer burn,
at the end we
torment because there
is no other way
no other conclusion
no other purpose to justify;

we are our own misery,
we burn inside out
the hearts which we
gave at Valentine's
and became selfish
with out hatred
our bitterness consumed
our energy until like
The Hunger Artist
we starved ourselves;

our emotions torn and
beaten became worthless,
we looked at each other's
contempt and spit
at the warning,
its message went unheeded
our lies burned our eyes shut,
our flesh crawled in the
decay of summer garments,
we died long ago from our
polluted attitude and used
needs to destroy feelings;

our control of hate controlled us,
our pawn-like behavior
went unnoticed,
undetected...  until
there was nothing left to hate
but our complacency;
everything was wrong and
we perpetuated that indifference,
we thrived from the energy
release of each other's anger,
our anger became the only
thing left to feel...   and we
needed it like two lovers
needed each other's love...
it became the only thing
between us --  our only connection,
holding us together;

our love was displayed
through mutual hatred
where love and hate
(opposite sides of a coin)
ended up becoming the
same sides of opposite coins;

bitterness caused our
attraction to others,
anything that would avoid,
we achieved complete harmony
of isolation without anything
or anyone --  void of feelings,
detached from reality watching
other enjoy what we could not,
resenting their freedom
and ability to be happy;

the essence of life oozed out
from our scars until hollowness
filled by the fumes of our fires,
became lifeless...
forms wandering through the
subconscious world of fantasy,
a prolonged satanic madness
invading the soft spaces 
of our mind like rot in an
over-ripe piece of fruit;

we journeyed backwards
seeing...  --   tasting...
feeling what we were before
mindless creature operating
on deprived instincts,
behaviors wild and untamed,
taking evolution out of its
predetermined will and back
into involuntary responses,
and the evil suffocated evil
until existence (as we know it)
was no more...  and we
transcended life and became
the end of the beginning like
the conclusion of a meal
without family or friends,
and like the circle once completed
has no origin --  it's just there,
there to be observed
there to be admired
in its continuance until it
become the teacher...
and, in its simplicity conveys
unity of rational thought and the
logic of the day overwhelms.

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