Friday, January 22, 2021

FROM 1986 - June - page 1

our day begins
in soft explosions
of words
and glances,
of expressions
and controlled processes;
in front of some
behind others,
we search in
mental corridors
for verbal phantoms
of self-reliance
and self-proclaimed
feasts upon our souls;
we live with the
perils of our own
opportunities and
the excitement of
our disappointments.

what does she do to you?
she seems naturally confident
a mystery with complexities
she offers...
the worlds she conquers
are not hers to give, yet,
she conveys a casual disposition;
her pretense lingers
in your sight,
she delays her systemized
feelings on her punctual nature
as it overlaps with an
indecisive spirit;
she knows her image is
reflected in the imagination
of others and her beauty
can never be touched;
sorrow rolls down her cheeks
at night when she sleeps
with her own lonely feelings.

Lost and Found
for the future we live
from the present we give
and from the past we
take to a lost and found;
the evening's complain
most when away...  a
chill in the air on a day
like any other returns
to the edge of an abyss
and of sightless sound.

we turn ourselves inward
as the pressures force us
against all the odds...
the outcome is inevitable
a conclusion in sync
with time and space...

and the systematic rhythms funnel change,
interpreting transformation with random selection,
a controlled process  --  a course on curved routines
with litmus tests, bending in different directions
across a straw covered wild west frontier;\

and a narrow border inside
our imagination between
what's right and what's wrong,
littered with yesterday's
discoveries crisscrossing 
through mind channels...
an endless journey of motion
seldom seen overlapping with
its previous course until the
beginning creates new 
and better transformations.

her pride falls inside the
pages of an unfinished novel,
read more than her shared feelings,
blaming herself but continuing
becoming more consumed with
written fantasy than with herself.

on the dotted line
she signed,
our lives together
giving up
each other's security;
a syndrome of delayed stress,
intimate details,
disclosures of trust,
and broken trust;
grey hairs flourish
in troubled times,
disappointments counted
by the years of our child,
an end of friendship,
romance and love;
restrictions bond careless infidelities
ritualistic with remorse
free from altercations
perfect and simple.

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