Monday, January 11, 2021

FROM 1986 - October - page 3

A Greedy Opportunity
criticism passes through a
cloud of uncertainty as 
regular as any daily cycle,
it unmistakable mark cries
out for an end...
a remake of the same song
played without an audience,
leaving no sound
no impression;
we are beggars of time
grasping for a few shallow moments
a little space to sort through
our compromises and
greedy opportunities disguised
in silk and layered with a
constant overflow of conversation,
smothered in false friendship,
guiding us through all the
wild and beautiful fields of
delicate flowers,
only to find each field laced
with barbed wire,
we are not victims of disclosure
but troubadours whose souls have
been loaned out to the highest bidder,
we are soldiers of enlightenment
guarding our mental fortresses.

dawn sheds her tears
in the early fall,
the last few drops glisten
silver in the sun,
we pass by in unnoticed haste
stringy and shapeless clouds
cover the sky making our
horizons difficult to ascertain,
yet, the direction taken
clears the day's completion.

dampness seeps into its veins through
crevices gnarled and twisted,
its roots grow slowly traversing the
penetrating fragments of earth's youth;
she shares my youth and exposure,
her weary head rests quietly beside me,
content with life's shortcomings we
dream open-endedly as the last thread
of smoke filters through our thoughts,
we make light-hearted comments of
the past and our emotional refuge;
we are safe in our abandoned forest
and the quiet stream that glides by us
flows into our minds and new life
swims through buried veins and the
evergreens never lose their colors.

Shadows and Words Undefined
we try and our short fall bounces off
the wall like a coin toss in our room
pale with color as we grow together
in opposite corners of spider webs.

shadows on the courtyard
a winter pattern indicates,
focusing on different parts
of the season as some plants
find ways to outgrow others.

should we re-learn love or fall in love,
how would you decide to play it?
feelings locked away in certificates of deposit
bear the scars of battle earned with interest.

words undefined and pure roll down the streets
tossed against the curb in the alley wall...
they bounce and are counted,
filled into sentences they fit like seconds
yet always mean the same they do
and we always acquire someone else's pain.

Little Left
over the years we become
love's victim as regrets
fall short of apologies;
its misuse cripples what little is left,
our eyes show what bodies hide,
we faint at our own image
casting spells on each other's fears.

souls of the forest
pass through me,
invisible as I am;
into each other's 
point-of-view strayed,
I dream perhaps
slightly disoriented
yet comfortable with
my solitude or maybe
a predictable imagination
it could be out of control.

A Brief Exposure
we journey with the wind
through each other's minds
tossing around and thrashing
grasping at straws still in glasses
as if they all were an illusion;
our brief exposure changes monthly
directing and redirecting our persuasions
and just like the day before brings
with it confusion about tomorrow
and our gentle side of mischief.

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