Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Endlessly Searching

each day we look up into the sky and wonder...

each day we ask ourselves the same question why...

each day we hope what we are doing has a purpose

and will provide our limited life with meaning...

but...  what is it for which we search?

there is no answer here or anywhere...  yet, we

search as if it is out there waiting for us to find...

our days spent wandering the countryside

our nights spent sleeplessly hoping that our

journies will soon end in victories...  and a new

found sense of self...  still, we find nothing that

we did not already know... as we live with no

purpose and no meaning and no direction other

than our continued pursuits...  and, each day we

believe and perceive we are closer to the truth...

life offers us encouragement by giving us another

day to search...  another day to see out that which

we know we must find...  it is our salvation...  our

final resolution...  that we understand it all...  that

we know everything and that it all revolves around

our knowledge...  we are the center...  we are the 

core of it all and everything else is just subordinate.

25 July 2022

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