Monday, November 7, 2011

From August 4, 2009

My mind houses all my secrets
My hands type them out in
Nice little messages to my friends
And when all is said and done,
The blame lies and no one escapes.

Tempting as it may seem to you, I am not
The kind of person who just bends over and
Takes all that you want to give me simply
Because you are in charge and I am not.

Can we cooperate with each other?
Can we co-exist?
Can we see eye-to-eye?
Can we kill without being killed?
Can we learn how to die gracefully?
Can we marry our differences and survive?

I am not who you
Think I am, nor am
I who I think I am,
But, I am exactly
What you have
Wanted me to be
So, next time is mine.

I am only in this life for myself
I want to say to you, but I know
That my life is not my own to arrange
Even though I make decisions and
Have choices, they are seen through the
Eyes of an observer; my path is disclosed.

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