Monday, February 1, 2021

FROM 1986 - March - page 1

she reclaims her innocence
through his attraction
and unusual persistence,
the struggle dictates
that she must survive,
she must conquer his
will to dominate, to
control her satisfaction,
she is his passion
preserved as window dressing,
to look at... to be admired...
to be for the taking
whenever his mood permits,
a transactional deliverance
she determines his will and
his refuge is her attraction.

Mysterious Memories
mysterious lady
soft and shy
apprehensively you
cling to recaptured
illusions and their
easily your
torn heart and leftover
memories make you
oblivious to
changes as new romances
leave you guarding
your children alone.

Dwindling Hope Fits
and the ivy grow up the
wall of structure like
unattended clouds
stretch across the horizon,
vines wrapped by secured
tendons hold in place its
tenuous nature as we climb
close and closer to each other,
to the brick and mortar precipice;
our hope dwindles and the
landscape is designed like 
pieces of a puzzle, fitting
together ever so haphazardly 
while creating uniform ordering,
and the ivy grows around
our feet...  around our feelings...
our sensitivities sparkle on
the leaves like dew drops...
each drop has its own glimmer
of colors until a simmering
murmuring slides them away.

missing in action
she misses his touch
his smile
his passion that released
a vulnerability
a safeness
in which to hide
to retreat
on which to rely
too much now.

we saw each other
for the first time,
a crowed room,
filled with your friends
your furniture,
toys that laughed at
our antics...  
our silliness...
restrained from an
earlier time and
earlier sequences.

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