Thursday, February 4, 2021

FROM 1986 - March - page 4

we performed our selection
impressed with out own
carelessness, holding it 
life's injustice in contempt;
we were just kids but
the game was for keeps;
it broke the loyalty ring,
trust was forever in question,
once removed can never be
replaced or be the same.

we floated away and
towards each other like
opposite ends of rainbows,
rain enabled our illusion,
beginning each new year
with vows, commitments,
and fresh assurances of
a life better than before.

our walking can
kept our discord
in balance as we
wove ourselves
into quilts of
friendship, a 
temporary and
painless way to spend
the weekend together.

Undisputed Penance
perspiration adorned her forehead
like some exotic dancer as she
turned around and around,
moving in circles...  he is the middle,
wild eyes glistened in the dimly lit room,
down his back her nails clawed in anger,
her prey and his undisputed penance;
cries of pain dribbled from the
corners of his mouth as he smiled at her,
a maddening gesture and her fears
were realized and she forgave
her own cruelty through his tears.

I imagine her slim body
close to mine...
an embrace...
a touch...
exploring each other's
sensuousness across the
room where she sits,
allowing anyone to notice,
my thoughts flowed 
through my mind,
gently caressing my desires,
her memory still lingers
inside closed eyes.

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