Sunday, February 28, 2021

Death of a Decade Followed -- page 7

Early In The Morning
early in the morning when the night has run its course
and I find myself awake and hardly sleepy at all,
even though it is still mighty dark outside,
my body has been trained to need more sleep;
early in the morning when the cats are out roaming
I am without dressing gown and reluctant
to extricate myself from this place of warmth,
yet extract myself is always what I seem to do;
early in the morning when only the owls are smiling
my heart skips a beat but keeps on trucking
and I am wondering and pondering this new
dilemma thrust upon me as if I were still a babe
in diapers who is simply crying for a changing;
early in the morning when the sun is still sleeping
on the the other side of the world, I imagine myself
in a waking dreams of interrelationships that
never quite seem to be connected and my mind
reels back and forth from all this mental activity;
early in the morning when the stars are still in the sky
me and myself are always imagining we were up there
looking back at myself and I as we look into the sky
but the connection is never fully made until the
sunlight blocks out the the dark night's darkness and
I am left to think that I might as well get up and dressed.

6 December 2020

Stairway To Enlightenment
behind us we leave our burdens
our fears and all our worries
as wen enter the spiritual world
free and clear of anxieties
and all our man made concerns;
desires on the back porch now sit alone
as we drift into space and universal harmonies,
we see what we see and no more
we are what we are and nothing further
our minds open themselves to nothingness
so that the void we can enter and entertain
without remorse or any guilty feelings;
we are simple and pure while being
pure and simple wanting only for 
the stars in heaven to guide us,
climbing these surreal stairs of reality
merging consciousness into awareness,
letting the ripples of time wash over us
and we become one with everything
just as everything is one with us and
our souls unburden themselves  as
they transform into eternity and a 
world of bliss  is found so easily
in a life of transcendental meditation.

6 December 2020

Inside The Whale
mornings are free of all the crimes
perpetrated while sleeping and dreaming
like washing the hands in Macbeth
but they are remembered nonetheless
and as criminals we should confess
without any need of redemption
for the shallow lives we lead
nor for the crimes allegedly committed
since our dreams are not permissible
in our distinguished courts of law;
we practice not the juris prudence
in our daily lives nor do we have
any faith in lawyers or politicians who
manipulate the truth for their own salvation
but it is not salvation that the masses want
as it is compensation and dispensation
for the crimes perpetrated on their bodies
and all the dream vehicles that get us there;
we are no more magical than those childish 
flutes played in elementary school or
all the prayers we prayed in churches
to live a better life sometime but our dreams
are exactly what they are and nothing more
and will one day disappear, trapping us
inside our fantasies as if we were portraying
Jonah and finally living inside the whale.

7 December 2020

Living In Between Comparisons
it is either black or white
there are no shades of gray
not even in the book some of us read;
inside is no different than outside
and it does not depend on the time of day
as whatever once was will always be;
life and death are destinations
not points along a line of time
with which we all must contend;
open and shut are merely perceptions
and points of view that when analyzed
cannot be proven either way;
light and dark are opposite side
of the same concept that revolves
us like the moon in our sky;
love and hate are extreme emotions
brought about by circumstance
out of our control or dominions;
cats and dogs guide our thoughts
are there when friends are needed but
flee the area when let out to play;
hobbies are for the wealthy and unemployed
especially those needing money to enjoy
always leaving the rest of us out in the cold
forced to live in between comparisons.

7 December 2020

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