Saturday, December 18, 2021

Chaotic Characteristics

different lengths of hardwoods form the
floors of my imagination...  curious
states-of-mind existing in the realities
of an unproven science...  yet, we
are all possessed with one, some more
vibrant and illusive than others but with
similiar commonalities...  as they hopscotch
across the frontiers of make-believe, providing
us all with alternate realities of truth;
a truth that knows no limitations
nor does it harbor any boundaries that
might be used for comfort in a mental storm...
when both the rational and the irrational are
in question and appealing to the logical
courts-of-law that rule the consciousness;
we have no jurisdiction over fantasies even
thouogh we have documents and papers
trying to explain them...  in a dimension
of their own they exist like faith without
the emphasis of hope to guide them...  they
are sand castles waiting for high tide when
everyone is busy gettng ready for dinner;
different lengths of hardwoods cover the
sub-floor of our realities yet many of us
exist in worlds where there are no constraints
and the laws of physics are no longer applicable
as our movements are unpredictable in their
own and unique random wqay with all the
chaotic characteristics to guide them along.

17 October 2021

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