Thursday, December 16, 2021

A Commonality

peace be with you...
is a global sentiment for those religious or not
who use it as a casual greeting when meeting
then shoot you dead afterwards because
you do not believe like them...
it is a mysterious twist of faith that has
been around for years in the Middle East and
in other countries that have no value of life...
as humans are raised like animals
bought and sold at an open market
fed and clothed and sold again if need be when
work is not done according to expectations;
 peace be with you...
is often said at religious gatherings on
various days of the week as we associate and
participate with people of like minds who then
on other days violate this sentiment with their actions
without the slightest bit of guilt or fear;
peace be with you...
is used by all religions
all denominations and groups
that have spiritual inclinations...  but,
the general consensus is they do not practice
at all what they preach...
and, it is widely believed they do not believe
what they actually preach at all;
peace be with you...
is a phrase that could unite us all
if and when it is universily desired to do so...
and until that day arrives, we will continue
using it as we have for thousands of years,
peace be with you all.

16 October 2021

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