Sunday, January 23, 2022

A Daily Unfolding

early morning darkness hides the rain that
falls all around our house and in the valley,
we pledge ourselves to sleeping through it
awakening at dawn without the abruptness
of annoying alarms...  we listen and learn
about it all never fully understanding why
the patterns surround us as they do...  and,
when we have time to pause, we drink a 
glass or two and then back outside we go
as if trying to find the cat that won't respond 
to the call when in reality we just want to
be in the midst of it all...  rain falls on our 
faces like tears from the eyes in the sky
that see us for what we are worth...
nothing more and nothing less...  and we,
bewg forgiveness for our crimes that
we may have committed yesterday,
carefully omitting those of today so that
we will have something to report for
tomorrow in case we need understanding...
a pause in the rain allows us to catch our
thoughts and the cats who had been
hiding and would not give us time to dry
off before they went off scampering...
we peer into our own thoughts as the
thoughts of our neighbors are still
sleeping and what we see troubles us
not in the same way as it has always been
even since we became an adult, leaving
our childones on the coastline of the
Carolinas...  a blue sky arrives out of the
darkness and I can finally see the clothes
i am wearing and see the unfolding of
a rather pleasant day ahead of us all.

30 October 2021

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