Friday, January 14, 2022

Seasonal Adjustments

a green tarp covers the above ground pool
an electric pump with hose sits on top
landscaping rocks secure the edges
but no rain is scheduled to test its reliability
contrasting colors in trees as their leaves change
while others retain their original shades
silence permeates the air save the barking dog
lights in homes have all been switched off
not to save money but because they are not needed
weather reports fall on deaf ears while eyes
are transfixed on smart phone applications when
to the casual observer who spends the time
one can tell there will be no rain today...
fall beckons its release as we transition
into another season of another year of another
decade that will prove better than the previous one,
mysteries are no longer unsolved as we have
seen them many times before...  playing out...
in a harmony of sorts with nature as it
stops paying attention to its own business and
begins to interfere with ours in its changing
patterns...  replacing humidity and heat with cold,
our attitudes are replaced as well by new ones
just like the changing of our clothes or the
wearing of more to maintain warmth inside
these encasements we call bodies...
universal languages are replaced by gestures
to those who have arrived her uninvited,
have now become our guests and we assist
them in their attempts to make adjustments.

25 October 2021

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